Scottish cyclists to pay road tax

You should get shot. On sight. It's so ******* dangerous, not to mention arrogant.

In point of fact it is often perfectly safe to go through some red lights. Which is probably why Boris Johnson is proposing it for London, and why in North America it can be legal to turn right on a red (which would be left here).

You cannot therefore make the blanket statement that it is dangerous.

However, as a cyclist and a driver I don't do it as I don't want a fine (on a bike) or points and fine as a driver.
Good luck with this, have you ever tried getting money out of a Scotsman?

(note that this is generally in jest but in my experience Scotland produces more tight-wads per capita than other countries :p)
In point of fact it is often perfectly safe to go through some red lights. Which is probably why Boris Johnson is proposing it for London, and why in North America it can be legal to turn right on a red (which would be left here).

You cannot therefore make the blanket statement that it is dangerous.

However, as a cyclist and a driver I don't do it as I don't want a fine (on a bike) or points and fine as a driver.
Well, dangerousness (lol) aside, it is the law. And I should be able to enforce this law with a high powered rifle. I've lost count of the number of ***** that have nearly crashed into me whilst I'm crossing a road on pedestrian GREEN. Twice I've been hit. Manchester cyclists = retarded.

can't be bothered to add the cycling line, but you get the point..
Well, dangerousness (lol) aside, it is the law. And I should be able to enforce this law with a high powered rifle. I've lost count of the number of ***** that have nearly crashed into me whilst I'm crossing a road on pedestrian GREEN. Twice I've been hit. Manchester cyclists = retarded.

While I don't RLJ myself, I find that Pedestrians are just as guilty of ambling across roads in central London when there is a red man. Should they be fined too?
While I don't RLJ myself, I find that Pedestrians are just as guilty of ambling across roads in central London when there is a red man. Should they be fined too?
No, as jaywalking isn't a crime here, and common courtesy gives pedestrians right of way.

But, I will amend the "shoot on sight" rule to include pedestrians that walk on red too.
Well, dangerousness (lol) aside, it is the law. And I should be able to enforce this law with a high powered rifle. I've lost count of the number of ***** that have nearly crashed into me whilst I'm crossing a road on pedestrian GREEN. Twice I've been hit. Manchester cyclists = retarded.


And you think that only happens in Manchester.........

As for some red lights, it's pointless waiting at them, I try to stop at all red lights but when the roads and pavements are totally empty, be it 7am or 12am, and a light that is on a straight road with a crossing is on red, I feel abit of an idiot sitting at this ride light when no one is obviously going to cross as there is actually not one person or car in sight.

can't be bothered to add the cycling line, but you get the point..

Something on the lines of.

Yo dawg.

We put tax in yo tax in yo tax in yo tax so you can tax while you tax while you tax while you tax.
Regarding the competency test, it is worthless seeing as to have a car license you HAVE to pass a test, and you only have to look at the road to see how useful they are...

Are you saying that our roads would be no worse if you didn't have to take a driving test!?
You are the one wanting to change the law, the onus is on you to explain and justify why this should happen.

It's a discussion forum - I was asking for thoughts.

- Cyclists regularly (certainly in bigger cities) do not obey trafic/highway code regulations - they need to be held accountable.
- I have seen cyclist injure pededtrians only to cycle away at speed and cannot be held accountable
- I have seen cyclists cause damage to vehicles only to cycle away not to be held accountable
It's a discussion forum - I was asking for thoughts.

- Cyclists regularly (certainly in bigger cities) do not obey trafic/highway code regulations - they need to be held accountable.
- I have seen cyclist injure pededtrians only to cycle away at speed and cannot be held accountable
- I have seen cyclists cause damage to vehicles only to cycle away not to be held accountable

How would your proposals change that?
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