Scottish cyclists to pay road tax

Yes I have for most of them and none of them are sensible enough to deserve a tax or license to ride a bike.

I guess you're not a cycler yet have a hate for cyclists for some reason.

Well done.
It's a discussion forum - I was asking for thoughts.

- Cyclists regularly (certainly in bigger cities) do not obey trafic/highway code regulations - they need to be held accountable.
- I have seen cyclist injure pededtrians only to cycle away at speed and cannot be held accountable
- I have seen cyclists cause damage to vehicles only to cycle away not to be held accountable

i cycle to work and to other places...gotta admit theres some daft cyclists

- i've been hit by a car 2 almost 3 times , 1 crossing on a green man on path due to flat tyre , 2nd guy pulled out into other lane and hit front of bike , 3rd was same as 2nd. Why would i be accountable for damage to the car? when its the drivers fualt let him pay for his own repairs

- i've also hit a pedestrain for him looking at me on the bike on the road and decided to walk across road into front of me not bothering to hurry / wait for me to go past
It's a discussion forum - I was asking for thoughts.

- Drivers regularly (certainly in bigger cities) do not obey trafic/highway code regulations - they need to be held accountable.
- I have seen drivers injure pededtrians only to cycle away at speed and cannot be held accountable
- I have seen drivers cause damage to vehicles only to cycle away not to be held accountable
[TW]Fox;14884663 said:
If cyclists needed a license and tax does that mean those people banned from driving would be unable to cycle?

If someone rides a motorbike and drivers a car if they get banned from motorcycling do they also get banned from driving on the roads?
Because some cyclists can do bad things, it is naive and downright stupid to think you can impose the same system of licencing and registration on bicycles that applies to motor vehicles. Anyone with an iota of common sense should see it is utterly unworkable and a complete non-starter.

TBH I think pedestrians should have a licence and registration too, they are far more dangerous. Stepping out into roads and cycle lanes at will causing multiple crashes, and mowing down other footpath users.

I haven't seen a bike mow down an old lady, however I have seen multiple times pedestrians mowing down old ladies. I've also been mowed down on my bike by a pedestrian standing in my lane of a cycle lane, just round a blind corner (obviously it was my fault, just like it's the car drivers fault when a little girl runs out in front of them...), and almost run off the road (and hit) multiple times by cars/lorries/buses when I am cycling along perfectly legally...

It's a stupid idea and with all this "green" thinking going on at the moment would completely counter what the governments are trying to put across...
TBH I think pedestrians should have a licence and registration too, they are far more dangerous. Stepping out into roads and cycle lanes at will causing multiple crashes, and mowing down other footpath users.

Maybe that'd violate human rights? Imagine if they did that, you'd not be allowed out of your house without a license.
So imagine if there was somebody who owned a bike, but only used it twice a year for example to make a 5 minute trip into town because 'they felt like it'... I don't know, maybe to buy a packet of skittles or a newspaper or something.

If a compulsory insurance scheme was introduced, how would it work? Would they need to pay for a year, even though they may not even ride their bike, but just in case they did? Or would they just not be allowed to do it?

Or the yearly family bike ride where the mum and dad cycle to the countryside with their kids?

Would you need a licence to cycle off road in the countryside? What about horse riders, more dangerous than bike riders in some respects?:rolleyes:

Not for people banned from driving a car though, who will also be banned from riding a push bike under your proposals...

So if a banned driver is caught riding a push bike on the road, what should happen to them? Treat them the same as if they are caught driving?

You need a licence to drive a car on the road because you don't have the inherant right to be there, however pedestrians and cyclists do so no one can force you off. However insurance companies would invariably hike the price of their bike insurance if you were banned from driving, just because...
However insurance companies would invariably hike the price of their bike insurance if you were banned from driving, just because...

Insurance companies aren't known to miss a trick to raise premiums, yet despite being banned from driving, they never mentioned it when I took out bike insurance which suggests you are wrong.
How much a year for a normal car, like a ford fiesta or something would the insurance be?

And as for numberplates, can't have them on bikes they'd slow cyclists down even more. You could fit bicycles with a chip, take note of the unique number on the frame or do lots of other things. But then when taxes go up to pay for this you'll get people that have posted in this thread moaning about it.

I have a chip in my bike, registered to me, it's called datatag. :)

Fiesta? totally depends on the person being insured...could be £1k for a newbie, could be £250 for a 30yr old mother.

Ok so how would showing your experience work to begin with. I'd be pretty ****** if my insurance was the same as a new riders, even though I have ten years road riding experience...

So what's your counter argument then?

I'm not even a cyclist and this kind of talk confuses me as to why it even came up to begin with.

What wear and tyre does a bike do to the roads that deserves a tax scheme for them? what emissions do bikes emit that deserves a tax? Are they going to force licenses to ride bikes onto children riding to school or students to college too?


Maybe we should have a tax on bikes, but only proportional to the amount of damage and emissions they cause.
  • For damage, well that'll be around a penny.
  • Emissions, none from a bike, but people say the cyclists exhaling of CO2 should count as they breathe more out than someone sat in their car Very true, however it should be increased to generally, not just when they are cycling, oh wait, that means there would be no increase over a car driver, in fact because they are fitter they probably use less CO2 than a car driver. So we should charge a car driver more instead right?

So with that in mind the tax on Cyclists should be 1p a year (which would cost more to administer:p) and car drivers tax should go up!

And that's not getting into the fact a large proportion of cyclists spend more time off road than on...
Is that really why you need a driving license!?


Insurance companies aren't known to miss a trick to raise premiums, yet despite being banned from driving, they never mentioned it when I took out bike insurance which suggests you are wrong.

True, at the moment insurance just goes on how expensive your bike is, and occasionally where you leave it (as theft is the main cause of claims). I'm wondering how that may change if third party insurance was made compulsory, then previous experience, convictions ahd age etc may all suddenly become important.
So imagine if there was somebody who owned a bike, but only used it twice a year for example to make a 5 minute trip into town because 'they felt like it'... I don't know, maybe to buy a packet of skittles or a newspaper or something.

If a compulsory insurance scheme was introduced, how would it work? Would they need to pay for a year, even though they may not even ride their bike, but just in case they did? Or would they just not be allowed to do it?

I only use my car twice a year, should I have to pay to insure and tax it?

It doesnt seem fair.

I do feel people who use their push bikes in a serious fashion IE regular commuters should carry insurance, especially when they can and have been known to cause damage to vehicles.
If they had an ID number linked to an owner, it might stop all these ******* tools riding on the pavement as well.
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I can't believe this.

So you guys are saying (ok some of you) that because a cyclist will exhale more than someone walking (what about Running people huh? what then?!) that they will be giving off more "emissions" than a fatty walking down the road or eating a burger?

All this global warming blame this blame that is nonsense. If humans breathing caused that much damage then there's be breathing tax or a population control of some sort to stop people having more chidren and thus breathing in our precious air.

Go kill some sheep and cows, they contribute to the largest chunk of methane release anyway, that will solve the climate crisis for sure....not.

Let's not stop there! let's put a tax on furious fappery too because some people breathe heavily while fapping all over their ex's face no doubt
I can't believe this.

So you guys are saying (ok some of you) that because a cyclist will exhale more than someone walking (what about Running people huh? what then?!) that they will be giving off more "emissions" than a fatty walking down the road or eating a burger?

All this global warming blame this blame that is nonsense. If humans breathing caused that much damage then there's be breathing tax or a population control of some sort to stop people having more chidren and thus breathing in our precious air.

Go kill some sheep and cows, they contribute to the largest chunk of methane release anyway, that will solve the climate crisis for sure....not.

Let's not stop there! let's put a tax on furious fappery too because some people breathe heavily while fapping all over their ex's face no doubt
Well they will give out more emissions, but I think (or hope) that point in this thread was tongue in cheek!!!!!!!!!
Is it not more about proving you can control a dangerous piece of machinary?

Well now it is yes but it was originally emplaced as a licence to be allowed on the road, as it is essentially "owned" by riders and pedestrians.:p

Well they will give out more emissions, but I think (or hope) that point in this thread was tongue in cheek!!!!!!!!!

With anti cyclist threads though there are some really stupid suggestions and ideas so you never know.:(
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