Swanster said:Whilst I appreciate that it would be faster in a pci-x slot, I definitely am seeing some benefit to using two drives.
HD Tach graph #2
The above graph show one of the drives on there own compared to a raid 0 array of two of them; a fair difference I'd say.
It's also a fair bit faster than the pata drive I was using.
If I could afford a decent motherboard that had pci-x (along with either agp or pci-e) I'd probably get it. But I can't. The main reason I got the card+drives was to have a play with scsi stuff cheaply, as I've never used it before.
Im the opposite to you, ive got the motherboard and the drives, but havent been able to find a good priced raid card to do the job...
Good results there, ive got three 15k.3 74gb cheetahs to put through their paces...