SCUM The Game - Survival

Hello everyone! Clean your weapons and zero your sights because the Lock'n'Load update is here!


It's been a long time coming and we've been working hard on it but we can finally release the update to you guys. So let's get to it, you've been waiting long enough.

Check out the Video update as well!


YouTube™ Video: SCUM 0.4 - Lock'N'Load | Dev Vlog #7
Views: 2,050
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Guns, guns, guns! You love 'em, we got 'em! As you can guess this update mainly focuses on that sweet ranged combat and weapon overhaul. A lot of new changes and mechanics made it.

Take note that these are the first iterations of the features, and some further changes might appear.


Introducing weapon maintenance and weapon jamming!

That is right. You will no longer be able to fire your weapon freely and without consequence.
Weapons will need to be cleaned and maintained if you want them to work reliably.

So how do malfunctions work?

When firing and/or reloading your weapon, there is a chance you might experience a malfunction. This chance is increased when either your weapon, your mag or your bullets are in poor condition. So keep it clean, keep it mean.

The 4 possible malfunctions are:
  • Bad round: The round was fired but got stuck in the barrel. (Depends on bullet durability)
  • Double feed: The weapon was fed 2 rounds from the magazine into the chamber. (Depends on rifle durability)
  • Round not loaded: Weapon failed to feed a round from the magazine into the firing chamber.(Depends on magazine durability)
  • Stove pipe: The round is caught in the ejector. (Depends on rifle durability)

These malfunctions can occur in any magazine fed rifle in the game.
(Known issue: M16 and MK18 are missing the stove pipe malfunction, this will come in a future update.)


"What about shotguns?" you might ask. Well, some of the malfunctions can occur in a shotgun, yet some don't.

Shotguns can experience the following malfunctions:
  • Stove pipe: The round is caught in the ejector. (Depends on rifle durability)
  • Double feed: The weapon was fed 2 rounds from the tube magazine into the chamber. (Depends on rifle durability)


Now as for the M1 Garand, it has an unique malfunction that can occur because it is the only clip based weapon we currently have.

M1 Garand can experience the following malfunctions:
  • Clip jam: The M1 clip did not eject properly and is stuck in the ejector.
  • Bad round: The round was fired but got stuck in the barrel. (Depends on bullet durability)


Handguns have their own set of malfunctions as well.

Handguns can experience the following malfunctions:
  • Stove pipe: The round is caught in the ejector. (Depends on handgun durability)
  • Bad round: The round was fired but got stuck in the barrel. (Depends on bullet durability)
  • Stuck Bullet: The bullet did not feed properly and is stuck between magazine and firing chamber. (Depends on bullet durability)
  • Round not loaded: Weapon failed to feed a round from the magazine into the firing chamber.(Depends on magazine durability)


Bolt action rifles are unique because they do not have any malfunction UI. Instead, the less durability on your rifle, the more problems your character will have with shooting, loading and reloading. It's not a bug, it's a feature I swear.



"Ok, so my weapon got jammed, but how do I clear it?" you ask. Well, it is pretty simple.

Press "R" when the jam occurs and you will go into "Weapon inspection mode" where the character will inspect the weapon and a circular menu shows up. Look at your weapon to identify the malfunction, and choose the correction method. If you choose right, after the animation the jam will be cleared and you are free to fire again! Until you jam it again because your rifle is still dirty.

If you want the explanations in video format, we got you:


YouTube™ Video: SCUM - Malfunction Tutorial
Views: 483
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Oh, and be careful, shooting the firearm now lowers the durability.


What good are guns without ammo? Nothing. Just clubs, and you can already craft clubs.

"But we already have ammo in the game." you say, and "NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" we answer! It has been highly requested and it is finally here. We have added new ammo types, all of them with their own perks and disadvantages.


The new rifle ammo types are:
  • Tracer ammo: Bullets with a small pyrotechnic charge in their base that, when fired, ignite and are visible with the naked eye.
  • AP ammunition: Ammunition designed to pierce body armor. Deals 50% more damage to all body armors.
  • Crafted ammunition: Now, a separate item from the regular ammunition. Crafted ammo deals 10% less damage to body armor and 10% less damage to the body itself.

Same applies for handgun ammo.

Shotguns have their own separate shells:
  • Buckshot: the "usual" shell you could have found in the world 'till now. The shell cases 9 medium sized pellets.
  • Birdshot: New shell that is loaded with quite an amount of smaller pellets giving it a better spread but with less power.
  • Slug: New shell that cases only one big pellet.


And before you ask yes, it is possible to load mixed ammo in magazines.

Has this ever happened to you? You are in a fire fight, it is crazy, maybe someone is raiding your base. Bullets flying everywhere and you forgot how many rounds you fired at the intruder. Have no fear, because we have added a new CHECK AMMO command just for you!

Simply press SHIFT+R and your character will take out the magazine, check how many bullets are left and show it in your quickbar.


Also note that we have added another slot so you can see what is in your hands.


Now we get to the good stuff: the changes you will notice in weapon behavior and mechanics.

First of, all the recoil animations have been completely revamped, to give it a more realistic feel and more of a kick. So unless you have really high rifling skill, hitting someone over 100 meters with full auto will prove really challenging.


We have also added a new switch fire mode and check fire mode animations making it more immersive to Lock'N'Load for the fight.



The controls for these features are:
  • Check fire mode: SHIFT+RMB. Keep holding to stay in the animation. (Known issue: If you let go of shift first instead of RMB you will be stuck in the animation until you press SHIFT+RMB again)
  • Switch fire mode: SHIFT+LMB

Oh, you noticed that there are 3 fire modes on the MP5? You have eagle eyes, don't you. That's right, we are introducing burst fire mode. The M16A4 now has Burst fire and single fire accordingly (as it should be for that model) and MP5 has 3 fire modes: single,burst and full auto.



Yes, shooting is cool but shooting far is cooler!
For that purpose we have optics, which got their own overhaul attention as well. Away with the black simplistic screen on the lens, hello the new sweet system of how scopes are presented. Scopes now have a more realistic effect of how you would look through them.


Amazing, but hey what is that? You missed your target and now he moved in closer? Oh no, if only there is a way to quickly switch to iron sights for close combat engagement. Wait a minute... There is!


That is right, on non railed scopes you can now easily switch between iron sights and scope view by simply pressing CTRL+RMB.

There is also a new nifty feature introduced.
You can now adjust the brightness on scope UI by simply holding down ALT and SCROLL WHEEL, and set it so it is most pleasing to your eyes or even remove it completely.




Now what kind of a weapon update would it be without new weapons. Introducing 2 new weapons to the SCUM island! Well one and a half actually, you will get the joke in a second.


Introducing the first weapon of the LMG family to the game! The RPK, a 7.62X39mm belt fed light machine gun, complete with a 75-round drum magazine. Just as it should be this magazine is interchangeable with regular AK47 magazines.


Please take note that this is the first iteration of the RPK, more appropriate mechanics are coming to it soon!


Now do you get it? Half? because it's chopped in half? I know, hilarious. Anyway not exactly a new weapon but cool nonetheless.


A new shotgun! Well actually an old one, but new! It is a shortened version of M1887. It can fit in your backpack way easier and weighs less. Support for the ability to saw off the regular one into short is coming somewhere down the line.


Kill, kill, kill with the cold blue steel! Enter the bayonets! Several rifles now have bayonet capabilities for that powerful melee thrust.

The rifles eligible for bayonets are:
  • M16A4 with the N9 bayonet.
  • M1 Garand with the new M1 bayonet.
  • All of the classic AKs with the new M70 bayonet.
  • Kar9m with the new VZ24 bayonet.
  • Mosin Naganat with the new 91/30 bayonet.


Simply equip the bayonet on your rifle and attack with MMB, but don't worry,you can still bash with SHIFT+MMB even though a bayonet is equipped.


And last, but definitely not the least, the whole new Shooting from vehicles mechanic. We teased with it some while back now but it is finally here. Prepare for some high speed chases and drive-byes!


As you can see, it is now entirely possible to shoot from vehicles. The driver can shoot with the handguns only, as he still needs one hand to drive. Safety first after all. The passengers are able to use rifled weapons to shoot.

That is not all we have. You didn't think that drive by will be that easy I hope. We added the ability to shoot out tires and deal damage to engines. So if you see a clown car filled with 6 people shooting outside, feel free to shoot back.


An example of mans worst enemy, flat tires.


Your check engine light is on.

Now, how do these damages affect the vehicle performance:
  • Flat tires make it easier to lose control and harder to accelerate and decelerate.
  • Engine damage makes your vehicle unable to start.

Now if you are on the receiving end of these damages, aka one of the clowns in the clown car, you might wonder how to fix them.
  • Tires can be repaired by the "Tire repair kit", also there is an improvised version.
  • Engine block is repaired by the "Car repair kit".


So get ready to start your engines! No, no wait. Someone shot them.


Oh, don't think we are done here. These were all updates related to the weapons themselves, now we get to the rest of the good stuff!


We know that the old throwing was a bit annoying, but don't worry, keep it going, because a new system we are bestowing.

Out with the old in with the new, time to learn how to throw things anew.

Ok the rhyme might be bad, but the new system is sweet.


Every single throwable item has its own set of animations, whether they are one-handed or two-handed. This will provide a more immersive experience and give us a chance to add some more nifty mechanics.

As for one handed items, you can now:
  • Long throw: by holding the throw button, now G by default.
  • Short throw: by pressing SHIFT+G.
  • Cook grenade: automatically applies as you hold the grenade.

We have also added a prepare to throw mechanic. You can prepare grenades that you have in your inventory, so they can thrown at any time.

How it works is as follows:

  • Have a grenade in your inventory and put it into a quickslot of your choice.


  • When set on a quickslot you will see a white hand icon, which you can press to make the item ready to throw.


  • Then at any time you want to throw the item just press G and the character will throw the said item. If you had anything in your hands before will be put in free inventory space, or empty back slot if eligible. The character will then pull the previous item back in hands. If there is no free space the item will be dropped in vicinity.


  • If perhaps you have multiple items you want to make ready to throw we have a solution for that as well. Add the other item to another free quickslot and check the white hand icon again.


  • Then simply switch between items by pressing the according number button to make ready to throw.


  • Keep in mind that if you have a throwable item in your hands, it always takes priority over whatever you have assigned.


We have added some new changes and improvements. The team worked hard on these mechanics to bring a more pleasant experience to you.

First off, we have something we like to call a Panini effect.


On the left you can see the old FOV system and on the right you can see the FOV change with the Panini effect. As you can see the background of FOV still changes allowing adjustment to your preference, while the items in hand and hands them self are still in normal position.
Keep in mind that there are some minor hiccups with the hands position and these will be rectified in future updates.

We have also added an improved head bobbing effect to the game. In first person, especially while running, there was no weight to the character movement. With this effect we have achieved that weight and it feels more natural and immersive.


If you don't like the new effect don't worry. We have also implemented a slider in the options to increase or decrease it however you want.

With all of that, there are also new running walking and jogging animations. These you will see for yourselves.

There are new weapon collision animations as well. Now when you are holding your weapon and approach walls or any barriers, no longer will your gun clip through it, but a nice and smooth animation will be played instead. It evens measures the distance to adjust the level of the rifle lean.


Also we have added support for a highly requested feature, and you now have a bigger degree of depression to aim while prone.



Melee weapons and combat also received some love. Overall melee weapons have been buffed and deal more damage to players. We have also added some much needed distinctions.
  • Two handed weapons are now slower but deal much more damage.
  • Bladed weapons do massive damage to other players but are weak against any type of armor
  • Blunt weapons deal less damage to players but have a higher KO chance and deal more damage to armored opponents.

Armors are also set apart with these changes:
  • Stabproof vest now has excellent melee protection but poor ballistic protection.
  • Bulletproof vest now has poor melee protection but good ballistic protection.
  • Armored tactical vest has excellent overall protection. Be a tank.

Better support for aiming with melee weapons while first person was also added, you should now hit exactly where your crosshair is.

We have also added a new MMA event. So let's get rea...*copyrighted*



Some changes to the lock system are incoming! So be aware!
  • Locks can now only be crafted, not purchased with fame.
  • Claim door mechanic has been removed, you just simply need to lock the door to make it your own.


Audio gets it's love as well. Our capable sound team (Rale) made some amazing changes to your hearing experience.

Improved HRTF

We designed whole new system for head related transform function.
This will enable you to pinpoint exact location of sound in space with greater accuracy. So now you will know exactly where that pesky sniper is shooting at you from and bring swift revenge upon him.

Hearing damage effect
Shooting from firearms creates blast that cannot be ignored. This will cause shooters hearing to be impaired for short amount of time.
Duration and intensity of effect depends on weapon caliber and size of the room shooter is firing from.
In open field effect will be minimal, but shooting from small room may impair you for good 15 seconds.
Wear ear plugs, combat helmet or attach suppressor to weapon to avoid this.


Death grunts
Since we removed kill notifications, some notification on players death is in order. If a target falls into coma there will be no sound, but if the target dies outright, you'll hear the grunt. And it might haunt your dreams later. You monster.


And of course we have more new items for you. Let's start off with the one you've all been waiting for.


We teased it a while back, yet unfortunately it was not ready. Until now. Finally we are able to bring this amazing suit to all of you.




We have also added a Camo wrap for your weapon for that maximum effect.


M1 helmet

No introduction needed, just play some classic 60s rock and enjoy the aesthetic.



Improvised gear

Added 3 new functional items to the crafting repertoire:
  • Improvised bulletproof vest
  • Improvised stabproof vest
  • Improvised raincoat



Disclaimer: The gasmask is not in the game yet.

New gloves

You know all those gloves you have lost throughout the years? Well, we found them and put them in the game. Cheers.







  • Fixed the bug where the gunshots would sometimes hang on the server.
  • Fixed the bug where the Biker leather jacket was not repairable.
  • Fixed the bug where it would give wrong number of wires for advanced skill in bomb defusal minigame.
  • You can no longer exit vehicles when above 30km/h
  • Bobby pin package no disappears when it has 0 usages.
  • Chests can now be named by anyone when unlocked.
  • Fixed shadows on drones while invisible
  • Fixed the bug where the item in hand would stutter when exiting sprinting animation
  • Decreased car stuttering.
  • Changing the FOV no longer affects the scope zoom levels.
  • More level bugfixes.


  • Improved reflections.
  • Better temporal AA which should.provide less ghosting effect
  • More server client optimizations.
  • More streaming and loading optimizations.
  • Reduced the fuse timer on flashbangs.
  • Further balance of spawn points in events.


  • Added a new admin command #dumpallsquadsinfolist, which will copy all of the squads information to your clipboard
  • Admins can now remove locks from vehicles.


That will be all from us for now, hope you enjoy and have a wonderful SCUM summer! See you when the hotfix drops.

It has come a long way since 2018 and many things have been added since then. The upcoming 0.5 patch will extend the map and add boats but the previous patches have been just as good. Definitely worth looking at again.
Just reinstalled this after not playing for a year. Looks like I've got a hell of a lot of studying to do judging from the impressive additions!
Anyone here play this? We've started playing recently on a Discord I'm on.

There is a big update out this month which adds lots of things and expands the map quite a bit.
So is it another pubg but with a lot more gun mechanics in it? Looks like another battle royale style game but first person.
So is it another pubg but with a lot more gun mechanics in it? Looks like another battle royale style game but first person.

It has shooting elements but I'd say its more centered on survival we don't play PVP at all but you can if you like there are online servers for both.

The metabolism system takes some getting used to!

You can play in first or third person.

Remembering to check protein, carbs, sugar levels etc. Also remembering to goto the toilet haha.
This was quite bad at release, right? Is it much better now, my friend said it had terrible netcode.

Those images look great though and looking for something that can scratch that old DayZ mod itch that I have
It has shooting elements but I'd say its more centered on survival we don't play PVP at all but you can if you like there are online servers for both.

The metabolism system takes some getting used to!

You can play in first or third person.

Remembering to check protein, carbs, sugar levels etc. Also remembering to goto the toilet haha.
Interesting, seems to have elements of Ark in there as well. Might well be a good mash of all survival games if it implements it well. Will keep an eye out for this one.

So from what you're saying, there's a pve element to this as well?
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