Seagate 7200.11 Problems

6 Jan 2003
I bought 2 x 7200.11 500Gb's from here couple of years ago to run Raid0 as a system drive.

First drive failed approx 12 months ago, second drive has just failed as a standalone system drive.

HD Tune Pro screen shots below for both drives :



I've run both through the long test using Seatools, but neither show any errors! Also seatools wont let me run the SMART test, saying 'Test Unavailable'

Both drives are still under warranty to Sept 2013 according to Seagates website, but I cannot RMA them because I need to enter the seatools error code.

Any ideas on what I can do?
Hello mate, having the same problem with my Seagate Drive - it has basically ground to a halt yet passes ALL the Seatools tests ... look at this page and it will give you the answer for a code:

ISSUE: Failed other diagnostic tools, I'm confident it is a bad drive

Hope this helps.;)

PS - make sure you take a note of the serial number and keep the screenshots of the problems.
2 of my 3 7200.11 drives had the controller die on them. Seagate replaced them along with a ES2 which had almost identical issue (same generation of drives). The 7200.11 series were notorious for it and Seagate lost a lot of market confidence to their rivals over it.

PS - make sure you take a note of the serial number and keep the screenshots of the problems.

Agree - document everything.
7200.11 were a really bad series it seems, I had two and they both bricked randomly after a normal shutdown.

I'd recommend you just go for a new drive and cut your losses.
I've RMA'd one of them, using the code suggested by Rikky :). The other is not showing as in warranty which is strange as they were bought only a month apart.

I've ordered a Samsung F3 to replace them as a system drive.

I'll contract Seagate about the second drive as it should still be under warranty.
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