Seagate 7200.9 vs 7200.10

3 Dec 2006
Brisbane, Australia
Sorry if the answer is in here somewhere but I can't search at the moment.

I'm looking at a new HD and want a seagate 500GB SATA. The 7200.10's are newer and presumably better. However, I can get a good deal on the same 7200.9.

My question is, does anyone know the differences between the 2 versions of the drive? Speed, noise, heat etc. And would it be worth paying the extra for the .10's

thanks :p
My answer will depends slightly on what you are going to be using the drive for, if it is mainly storage e.g. mp3s, videos etc then you are unlikely to notice the difference between the two drives.

If you are going to be heavily using the drive i.e. as a main drive for booting etc then I'd go for the 7200.10 or a Western Digital AAKS drive as both are faster than the 7200.9s. As far as I am aware the only major difference is in speed, that partly comes down to the perpendicular technology used in both the 7200.10 and AAKS drives which allows higher data density and therefore speed, other than that I don't think noise or heat output will vary too much. :)
Thanks for the help. :D I plan to use the drive as general storage as I still have a 7200.7 for booting and I don't fancy a re-install until I get round to buying Vista (when there's a service pack).
Then I may get a couple of 250GBs or similar for a RAID setup.

I think I'll save a few quid and just get the 7200.9 for now
Well after some thinking I took your advice and went for the WD AAKS drive :cool:
I won't be re-installing Windows but think I may re-install some games (BF2 and 2142) onto it. I guess it would help right? Faster loading times are always nice.
the newer the drive the better it usually is, there are always some kind of changes made down the generations, u get stuff like lower power consumption and less noise as standard along with less heat and usually performance imporvements and better reliability.
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