***Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice***

Yeah, I've tried to hold off and ressing, but I think I'm on my 3rd or 4th dragon rot.

I didn't want to go to bed angry, but it's getting late and I couldn't kill that purple ninja. Moved onto the next sub-boss who is giving me just as much trouble.

Did everyone finish Ashina Outskirts before moving onto Hirata Estate? Once I got the bell, I abandoned Ashina.

So, I got him down to like 25% health, fire is strong against him, so I was throwing oil then using fire. I'm going to tackle him again later.
Yeah, I was hoping that's the case, but whilst From's PC support has improved, there have been notable shortcomings in the past (no UW support (still!), capped FPS, the disastrous mouse support in DS1, etc.) so it's worth checking with each of their games I think.

Also, there's the consideration of what you lose versus controller input. Obviously, you gain far better and faster camera control given that the mouse is properly supported, but you do lose analogue directional input. With all this talk of directional side-stepping and precise positioning being important in Sekiro I wondered if this makes the game a lot harder than it should be on KB&M. I don't think I've seen anyone anywhere say definitively "yes, I've played with keyboard and mouse and it's absolutely fine."

Personally, any game that isn't FPS is better on a controller. This is just for my play style though and I don't think I'd be any good at all at games like this on KB&M. Your best bet is to try and then post about it so others with the same question have an answer.

There is a tutorial section, play up to the first 'boss' which only takes 15 mins, repeat this by starting the game over again. But the end of the tutorial, you'll know which you favor best.
I'd say it's harder, more forgiving in terms of loss as you can just spend coin on items or even money pouches to 'bank' what you have and the loss of experience is only for that level which can be quickly gained back.

But the combat is harder, gone are the days of just blocking everything and countering when you first start a souls game. You will die. A lot.

I finally beat purple dude last night, for some reason, after that the combat just clicked for me, cleared out waves of enemies whilst farming even aggro'ing them all to practice being out numbered and it just felt amazing and fun. Started the butterfly lady, not using the snap seeds as I want to hold onto the 5 I have. It's a pretty simple fight, attempted it around 5 times and each time made solid progress so I'll have her down tonight. Only put 7 hours into it so far, need a night dedicated to the game lol.

As for armour and weapons, remember there is a huge skill tree as well as a large list of prosthetics which are more than just a move set, I just got the raven one after defeating the purple guy and it's awesome just phase shifting out of a heavy attack.
Itching to pull the trigger and just play it between RE2 and DMC5, but can someone tell me if Japanese subs are selectable? I mostly play in the evening and keep the volume reasonably low so it'd be nice to have subs if I don't understand some parts:p

EDIT: All right, there are Japanese subs, bought it. Bring on the pain as I don't have a single relaxing game currently, all that's left is RE2 on Hardcore, DMC5 on higher difficulies and Sekiro:p

I don't speak Japanese, not one tiny bit. Yet I've left the language to Jap instead of Eng as it just makes the game so much better in my opinion.
For a giggle, I bought DS1 Remastered last night, booted it up and Sekiro in my opinion is harder. Being able to shield away and parry with ease made it much more forgiving. I also have no reprogrammed my mind back into the button layout so no doubt I'll be using items by accident in Sekiro lol
I stopped playing this as it got swamped by other new titles, as we're about to come into the winter period where I'll have more time, I'm tempted to put this back into the roster of my regular games.

I got up to Lady Butterfly but not the horse guy as I focused HEAVILY on exploring rather than progression. Is it worth starting from scratch? I barely remember what went on and when I do open the game, I simply do a dual with the NPC back at the main hub and then close the game just to keep my memory fresh on how the combat flows.
Definitely start from scratch. Help you remember what you are doing!

I've just started playing again too.

Aye, I'm thinking the same, I just remember doing so much exploration and finding so much, it's gonna be a lot to catch up on again. But I might just focus on progression a bit more this time and back track at a later time.
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