Self-Built PCs = No Hi-Def!?

where the hell are they getting that only oem HTPC's will have HDCP support? The FS article does NOT say that. The slashdot poster does but where is boingboings source? I think we are pepertuating a lie. No one else has said if you have a HDCP GPU, a HDCP O/S (Vista), a HDCP optical drive and a HDCP monitor you still can't play HDCP movies.
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LOL, I wont be screwed....

Im well aware of what may be the situation however a mid priced HDMI out GFX card, HD DVD drive and Vista installed will be acquired when due.

PS you think im not already watching HD content?
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Just a point i mentioned in a previous thread.

Heres a scanario....

Ok so we have all this HDCP and you have MCE via Vista now say your streaming your nice HD-DVD movies from your harddrive to an extender for instance a X360.

What happens then?
Your streaming the movie in full quality and the 360 last time i looked only had component out so doesnt this:

A. Give full quality playback of the ripped HD-DVD disc from MCE
B. Totally looses any HDCP as component is analouge hence the X360 cant enforce HDCP.

Id like to know exactly whats going on as MS have said one of the benifits of HD-DVD is ripping to your media centres and theyve hyped how well the X360 streams HD content from a MCE machine.

Ive been testing a MCE laptop this week and with a little tweaking the X360 is working lovelly with 1080i and 720p video. Maybe if your lucky ill do a guide thread on it, certainly been impressed though ;)
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Microsoft have not ruled out the release of a DVI/HDMI cable for the xbox 360 but didn't see a need on initial release. So we have no idea whether it will allow HDCP content or not, I doubt MS would allow anything naughty to occur anyways if it couldn't handle it i'm sure media extender or the 360 would simply block it :)
True its a very grey area but im not so certain it will be as easily beaten as some are expecting.

I think over the past 5 years of HDCP and Vista a lot of development has been done.
I think I reado n B3D that HDCP source in, component out, might still play as no HDCP over analogue.

What a mess.

Would be interested in MCE and X360 piece. Currently have X360 working with media connect. Would be interested to see whether MCE is worth it. ALso need to understand what chnages I need to make to my curren 11b wireless network.
Well i should think that the 360 will play unprotected HD content via analogue or it will play HD(with HDCP protection) moves at 480P via analogue and 720/1080 via HDMI/DVI (when the cable is out). This is the way that standalone HD players will be like... why will the 360 be any different?
b0rn2sk8 said:
Well i should think that the 360 will play unprotected HD content via analogue or it will play HD(with HDCP protection) moves at 480P via analogue and 720/1080 via HDMI/DVI (when the cable is out). This is the way that standalone HD players will be like... why will the 360 be any different?

Yes thats all correct but has

1. The HDMI cable ever been confirmed?
2. Does the X360 graphics even support HDCP?

Its worth taking as a given that both will apply mainly because of the announcement of the HD-DVD drive becoming available for X360, funny how nobody questioned HDCP or HDMI regarding this announcement.
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Im sure i have read that the 360 does not have a hdcp chip in it. If it doesnt the lead will make no difference to the hdcp situation.

Now the only thing is that as the mce - 360 is a closed link it may let it output over component without HDCP.

Its all such a mess !!
Mr Latte said:
So whats the point in producing a HD DVD drive then?

The only reason i can think of is that they will bring out a HDMI/DVI cable of come kind. Which would bring them in more cash as everyone who wants to use their 360 as a HD-DVD player will need one.
Energize said:
So the current 360s will never be able to play hd-movies? Because the gfx card doesnt have the chip?

Id say it does otherwise there would be little point in making a HD-DVD drive for them as IIRC they have said that they are not bringing games out on HD DVD's(i think that wil change tho, games are getting bigger and bigger).
The drive is being brought out purely for films, whatever HDCP requirements there are will probably be built into the drive itself, an HDMI cable seems likely.
I questioned the reply aimed at the X360 will not support HDCP over MCE or otherwise which has to be incorrect.

When the HD-DVD drive arrives to view any such movies will require HDCP and of course the only way to get that will be via HDMI. Also its be mentioned that USA HDTV will include HDCP this December which hasnt yet been the case and means any recordings made on a MCE based PC and sent via extender will include HDCP too.

Its my belief that the HDMI cable will be shipped with the drive and that a LIVE update will add a new dashboard player/feature including offering any bios or GFX driver updates for the GFX card to ensure HDCP.

Their isnt a chance in hell the HD-DVD drive from a X360 will show full quality over component as it would be totally against the security measures in place and just make it a pirates dream recording in full quality to a Hi Def DVD style recorder.

Off course the cable will also become available on its own in preparation for any HDTV download streaming services and for HDCP material via MCE extenders.

DRM love it or hate it, you wont avoid it.
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