Sell me linux

Jeez. Try to be slightly helpful and I get jumped on by nitpickers. It's very obvious the OPs Linux knowledge is very limited so I was keeping it simple.

I don't think I'll be coming back in this sub-forum.

That sig is very appropriate. ;)

As is yours :p

Welcome to the Linux community. :rolleyes:

OP, here's my advice for what it's worth. If you're at all serious about games, Linux will not replace Windows for you. You can use both Windows and Linux if you want - that's what many people, myself included, do - but you will need a Windows partition around for gaming. You can just boot into it to play, then boot back into Linux for everything else. I've been doing this for years and it's fine.

Steam might come to Linux in light of recent strong rumours. It might not, of course. Even if it does it likely won't be for a while, and then it will be a long time, if at all, that major publishers and developers follow suit. Until then, the indie market will serve you well. Virtually every indie game these days tends to be released on Windows, Mac and Linux.

No offence Perma I respect your opinion but I find a vast majority of Arch users really stuck up with their noses up their ******.

The really sad thing is that they barely know linux. So what if they were able to follow a handful of howtos but other than that - very shallow indeed. You know I've mentioned this before and have even seen it demonstrated on #archlinux

Pretty sad really as Arch is a great OS
Meh, i've had fun with it. That's all that really matters, right? And i definitely know a lot more about Linux than i did when i started. It seems you're complaining about well written documentation (and an decent IRC channel to fall back on) making it accessible to more than just an elite handful of tech geeks.
You're right .... Arch is a hell of a lot of fun and teaches you the core fundamentals of how Arch works. I had to learn the hard way ... many moons ago working on my linux box until the early hours ... days when the only support you had was to fire out a mail on usenet and prey someone would respond the next day.

If I were a newbie to linux and wanted to learn linux quickly - Arch is a God send.

I'm not complaining about the docs - they are the best linux docs since the original LDP project. What I am complaining about is that most of these elitists tend not to go the extra mile and help others out (especially new linux users) citing that there's documentation to fall back on.

It's this that reflects badly on ArchLinux. Pigeon holing Arch into the 'enthusiast Linux users group' whereas in my opinion it should be more available to everyone as like you've mentioned it really teaches you Linux - no other distro does that

Oh yeah what were we talking about ? ;)

OP Install Ubuntu play. Install Xubuntu play... Build up some confidence and try Arch.
You see there you go ... I wish for a new user to go straight to Arch but it's just not possible is it ?
Hmm, i see what you're getting at. I've seen a few people like that on the forums, but they're not all that common in my experience. And they usually just get jumped on when all the decent users arrive.

I think every field has people like that. But still, i never said they should use Arch. Doubt i could have got it to work without picking up the basics from Mint. To be honest i'm not sure what to recommend to newbies any more. Mint 7 was the perfect release. Since then... yeah, there have been improvements. But there's also been a lot of features removed. Culminating in the release of Gnome 3.
Linux is better for security
Linux is better for stability
Linux is better for Freedom
Linux is better as a server
Linux is better for multitasking
Linux is better for customization

The only thing Linux isnt best for is games. WINE is an emulator of windows api's it does not use any copyrighted source code. It absolutely amazing that it works and it is coding genius. For a lot of hardware linux is more efficient and games that are made to work on mac it would be pretty easy to get them to work on linux. Steam is most likely coming no1 knows wen tho, probly not even valve.

You could use windows 8 for the time being. its will work till next year. If you are a serious gamer atm windows is the only way. You can allways run linux as a virtual machine
Linux isn't Windows, and cannot run Windows games.

Epic fail was correct.

I'll admit I still use windows for games, but a strightforward linux install, clicking install software packages and selecting the right one. Would enable you to run a good whack of windows games.

Its move on a LOT.

Just to say, it cannot run it is just wrong.
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