Sell the iPod to me.

Well I'm not going to be using the OS X version ever lol.

Sorry I really hate Apple and wouldn't normally come in here but I saw the thread title from the main page and thought I may be able to save some poor soul getting sucked in.
The newest version of iTunes on Windows is seriously improved.

They're not getting "sucked in". Nothing else offers what iTunes + iPod does. Nothing.

If you want to settle for something less (just because you have a biased hatred of Apple) then feel free. I'll be happy with my iPod and using iTunes on both Windows and Mac.
Ah, the level 2 computer enthusiast who's still in the cookie-cutter "I don't know much about Apple's product range, but Apple sucks!!" phase :p
Both my aging parents have and regularly use their iPod nano's. It just works - which is the appeal of many Apple products. Sony are usually excellent at consumer products but then they can't get close to the simplicity of the Apple system.

Imagine trying to teach someone over 60 about trying to import music, manage the files and then drag and drop to their music player using Windows explorer. It's too much bother therefore they just won't use it and it'll end up on a drawer forgotten about.

iTunes just works. Everything is under one roof - a music library which can be sync'd to your iPod. You can buy music and films, rent movies and browse podcasts and internet radio stations all with a consistent user interface.

Huh? That doesn't fly from the user's standpoint. What's worse, having a couple more tiny DLLs sittings in the iTunes directory or being forced to install another entire application that you don't want?

iTunes was originally designed for OS X which uses Quicktime for all multimedia content. Apple arn't about to completely redesign iTunes for Windows when they have a perfectly decent application that works.

It's object oriented programming - separate the media player component from the management interface. Then everything references the same core libraries.

Did you complain when BBC iPlayer needed a Windows Media update? Thought not.
iTunes was originally designed for OS X which uses Quicktime for all multimedia content. Apple arn't about to completely redesign iTunes for Windows when they have a perfectly decent application that works.

It's object oriented programming - separate the media player component from the management interface. Then everything references the same core libraries.
Yeah - so what? That's the way they've done it, but it doesn't mean that it's not bad practice to force users on a different platform to install an entire second application just to get presumably shared underlying libraries.

Did you complain when BBC iPlayer needed a Windows Media update? Thought not.
Err.. seeing as I neither use nor pay attention to either application, no.
go for the nano, awesome, im on me 3rd but the first 2 got damaged by human error... never swim whilst drunk no matter how far uve bin chased and the 1st one well, i forgot my mate had it in his pocket when i pushed him in the pool :p
good times.
i like the ipod because as everyone else says, it does 'just does it'.
anyway you can download YamiPod which is free and thats perfectly usuable in a windows explorer style drag and drop.. and its a tiny download too :)
Look what I got today



VoiceOver works very well indeed. :)
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