Selling Oculus Rift question?

I'm edging towards buying an Index and returning my Rift S.

I like my Rift S but I feel like as I'm a little outside the IPD range and it doesn't fit my head that well (the screen slightly moves when I turn my head left and right), I might be better served with Valve's offerings.
Rift S is the bargain basement awesome headset for value. Add some KSC75 headphones and mamut grips and its AMAZING. Without them, I struggle to reccomend it as the audio is dreadful.
So are these essential, have Rift S in box ready for Xmas but want to be prepared (in addition to the 2m DP and USB cable extensions I have bought).
Seen some of the headphones on the rain forest for £17 ish quid (based on the above code)
So are these essential, have Rift S in box ready for Xmas but want to be prepared (in addition to the 2m DP and USB cable extensions I have bought).
Seen some of the headphones on the rain forest for £17 ish quid (based on the above code)

without headphones the audio is horrific imo.

You will need some pliers too just to bend the plastic so it goes over the rift s
So are these essential, have Rift S in box ready for Xmas but want to be prepared (in addition to the 2m DP and USB cable extensions I have bought).
Seen some of the headphones on the rain forest for £17 ish quid (based on the above code)

No they aren't essential. I have a pair of headphones that the Rift S perfectly but don't use them because I think the sound is fine and I have got used to not having anything over my ears when I am playing games now and I think I prefer it that way. Especially in Sports games.

MY advice, try out the Rift S first and then get the headphones if you think you need them.
I think the sound is absolutely terrible but I don't think kids will notice at all, especially if its their first VR experience.

definitely the worst in class sound from any vr headset which does sound.
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