Sennheiser HD 650 - anything else to consider

Not a bad shout, always heard good things about Beyerdynamics but never tried any of them, though i've got a feeling they may be rather similar to the AKG's both being studio headphones?
Similar in what way? I wish I could try the 1990s to see how they compare to the 702s, both being open. I've had Sennheiser closed headphones before and the 1770s are comfier and sound better with much better low end. The Sennheisers I had were about a quarter of the price so not really a good comparison
The DT1990s are nothing like the K702s - where the AKGs are bass light the DT1990s have really good bass, deep, textured, fast and satisfying in quantity. They have a far smaller soundstage than the K702s although the imaging within the soundstage is excellent. Some people consider the highs to be a bit hot but I'm not one of them, maybe because of my age.
Went for the HD660s in the end, I've not used them massively at the moment but out of the box and they are certainly a marked improvement over the HD595 and K712's, other than currently feeling like Joe Pesci has my head in a vice :D
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