sensible soccer demo

graphics aren't great, but who gives a hoot? sensi never was about ground breaking graphics...

loving the Runay, Owan thing they've got going :p

i feel the games managed to capture the original SS feel whilst sort of bring it up to date a little bit too... pretty good laugh.
Auron said:
Just caned Argentina 4-0 :P

Get in!
Haha nice, I just won 1-0 and beckham scored for me, I quite enjoyed that despite getting Rooney and Owen sent off quite early on I managed to hold my own. I quite like how they've kept it to a similar pace and style of the original so kudos there but i still prefer being able to score from the halfway line on the original which I didn't find as easy in this one. But a good game, I hope they don't try sell it full retail price because I think it's only worth £15-20 tbh.


edit: they have used the cut down price; good people :)
Ive seen a xbox360 version of this aswell, or it in a box on a website anyhow.

Should be great for a laugh with mates. :D
Ult1mateSlayer said:
This seems extremely slow compared to the original, has anyone else noticed that the ball can go past the keeper then bounce back so it can do the animation? lol

Not sure if i had the same, but i passed the ball across the goal and for some reason it went straight into the keepers hands even though he was quite a few feet back.
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