sensible soccer demo

this game is seriously slow, i remember an interview with one of the developers and he said this game is more exciting than PES5 because its much quicker, is he on crack cocaine what the hell happened?

apart from that it's not too bad.
it is not sensi i played it on my amiga for years

it is not a million miles away but it reminds me of the previous attempt to update it on the pc to much

things like glue feet in sensi on the amiga players had a little of this but no where near this

on this the penalty for staying in possesion to long is you get closed down
and tackled a bit like pro evo

it seems like you are playing with a 99p flyaway football physics wise i think

early days just downloaded the demo but dissapointed so far
PES 5 with different camera view for the WIN :D

georges said:
Also, don't bother if you don't have a keyboard..

keyboard =/ f.t.w.
is that a typo?
don't bother if you don't have a keyboard :confused:
pretty sure everyone playing the PC demo will have a keyboard mate :p
I hope at least they will get it right next year, for all the hype i think PES5 is crap just like FIFA - they are more or less the same game and not fun to play unless you are playing with Shannon Elizabeth at the same time
nikebee said:
is that a typo?
don't bother if you don't have a keyboard :confused:
pretty sure everyone playing the PC demo will have a keyboard mate :p

Yeah it is..

Mean if you don't have a controller.

With a keyboard it just doesn't work :/

And yeah, PES5 with that camera is pretty fun indeed player view is funnier.. completely impossible though :o

and nothing can beat editing PES United team so every player has 1/100 stats and full for weak foot frequency then playing a mate with a similar team. Great stuff :p
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Its good fun like sensi used to be, the keeper animation with the ball suddenly moving is annoying though.
I had to let it check Direct X before it would play, I can not get it to work, when it changes to fullscreen I get a message "Fatal Error", I use a nVidia 7800 GT, what nVidia drivers are people using? (I am using the 91.28).
I also can not change the keys!
The goalkeeping animations are a bit stupid, with the ball suddenly teleporting into the goalies hands from 5 yards away. I mean I've had a shot going well wide, then all of a sudden the keeper is somehow managing to palm it wide when he is stood in his goalmouth :confused:
I think the goalkeeping bug may just be a problem in the PC games, possibly even just the demo as it was never mentioned in any of the reviews and in the video trailers the goalkeeper animation is pretty good.
Good fun, but gutted it won't be multiplayer (unless I read wrong).

Could dent a lot of potential sales.
Disappointed myself.

As mentioned the goalie animation is appalling bad, but I have heard it has been fixed in the game.

Secondly and more irritating is the ball sticking at your feet when you do a 360 degree turn. On the amiga version there was a bit more skill to dribbling where the ball would move from left to right foot thus making a great run an art form.

Now though sadly the ball sticks like glue. :(
What a blast of nostalgia, fekin superb ..

graphics remian true to original but in 3d and super smooth
easy to pick up and play, intuitive controls making it easy to pass
and build up good moves. fun fun fun ...

Sensi soccer wasnt about realism or gfx , glad this is same etho's
PiKe said:
Whoever complained about it being slow, which pill did you take? :confused:
mine was slow, but then again i was running it on a crap system outputting it at a massive resolution for my 27 inch sammy, TBH id rather play the orginal
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