sensible soccer demo

Ult1mateSlayer said:
This seems extremely slow compared to the original, has anyone else noticed that the ball can go past the keeper then bounce back so it can do the animation? lol
I didn't think it was that slow compared to the old versions but the keepers seem to try and save far too much and also I had the same problem with the animation. Even if the ball's kicked outside of the post the animation will still show the keeper saving it well inside the post :confused: Hope they fix it. I'm pretty happy from what I've played of it.
Mixed opinions after 1 game. Its fun, its playable, and its definately Sensi, which has to be a good thing - they've managed to maintain the feel. The camera seems to be all over the place and the keeper animation / hit detection is a bit dodgy at times. Other than that its good fun. I just cant get over the lack of online multiplayer. Sure sure, nothing beats playing your mates on the sofa after the pub but come on.... an Xbox ver with Live support I think would be in so many more peoples collections than this will be.
the readme says to press TAB ?

V. Controls

The default keyboard controls are as follows

Direct player / aftertouch / deflect-a-touch - DIRECTIONAL ARROW KEYS
Pass - Z
Powered kick / slide tackle / lunge - X
Sprint - SPACE BAR
Bench and Tactics - TAB
Instant Replay - R
Pause Menu (in match) - ESC
Cancel / exit menu - ESC

if you launch the game, but choose settings instead of start game, click configure on the player one control... and change the buttons for the keyboard/gamepad/joystick etc...

i couldn't get it to work though... what did the original sensi used to be? any direction three times in succession or something wasn't it? Left,Left,Left and it would pop up the subs bench when the ball was out of play?
nikebee said:
the readme says to press TAB ?

if you launch the game, but choose settings instead of start game, click configure on the player one control... and change the buttons for the keyboard/gamepad/joystick etc...

i couldn't get it to work though... what did the original sensi used to be? any direction three times in succession or something wasn't it? Left,Left,Left and it would pop up the subs bench when the ball was out of play?

Thanks for that.

I believe on the Amiga/ST it was press Left twice when ball was out of play. On the PC you mapped a button.


Did anyone have to run the DX setup to get the game running?
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Gimpymoo said:
Thanks for that.

I believe on the Amiga/ST it was press Left twice when ball was out of play. On the PC you mapped a button.


Did anyone have to run the DX setup to get the game running?

Yup, came up with some file missing for me when i didn't install DX aswell.
Is it going to be on ps2?

And, I'm embarassed to say this.. but what are the requirements for this game? :eek:


Filefront won't work for me, neither will the first one and the 3rd usa one is giving me 40k/s :/

australian one gives 150k :)
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chimaera said:
Yup, came up with some file missing for me when i didn't install DX aswell.
i just let it run the DirectX thing... just incase Sensi had some ground breaking technology :p

nah normally if its a new game and it says "Do You Want To Check For The Latest Version of DirectX?" i say yes, let it check or try and install... if i've got the latest version it wont install anything... no harm done ;)

a side note...

awesome... awesome sig man :D
Curse Of Monkey Island ruled :D... heck the whole series is great!
It definately is slower than its meant to be, have you watched the intro video at the start? That seems as fast as it should be...also I have noticed on corners and freekicks, if you skip the replay the slow-motion seems to continue while you take the kick as if it thinks its showing the replay but you're still playing.

There are some problems they definately need to fix, if the proper release is like this i'm getting my money back lol.
If i play it on 800x600, it flies well fast. go upto 1024 res and it slows down quite a bit.
This is on an Athlon XP 512MB 9550 card

Still fun and your eyes are all over the place when it is playing full speed :D
Holy .... the camera is mental :p

Seems pretty dodgy at beast, although the curls are mental.

Can't see me buying this.

Also, don't bother if you don't have a keyboard..

keyboard =/ f.t.w.
Had a quick play of this on my macbook and the graphics are all over the place. It's doing some crazy glitching, then again the Intel chipset isn't supposed to work at all. I think this game is technically quite poor considering how basic it is. It did seem quite fun and more suited to the PS2 though, I enjoyed what gameplay I got out of it.
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