Sequels that are better than the originals?

As much as I love the original, MM2: The Road Warrior is just a better movie in every way.
Gremlins 2. Again, just a better movie imo.
Agree with @Jokester . I love the original BR and it will always be a favorite, but 2049 succeeds in so many ways the original doesn't.
Paddington 2!
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes nails the tone of the trilogy.
Godfather Part II is just a perfect movie. I wouldn't change a thing about it where as the original has a few very minor blemishes.
Terminator 2 isn’t better than The Terminator, The Terminator is my number one film. First saw it at the cinema in January 1985 and I’ve seen it over 100 times since then. Yes it’s not the best made film ever with the best acting, but it’s just perfect for me.

I’m going to go there….

BR2049 > BR

I agree.
Another agreement for BR2049, it's hard to admit as Blade Runner has such a special place in my movie favourites but the sequel betters it in every way.
y'all need your heads examining.........BR2049 better than BR. :mad::( :p

yes to Blade II though - but the less said about the 3rd the better.


That's all i got for the moment.
that series should have started and finished at Pitch Black. Riddick being better than The Chronicles of Riddick is not something to be proud of. that said, i wish the 4th would hurry up and get made! :p
Blade was much better than the sequels imo
Not a massive fan of super hero films but Blade is up there with the first 2 Christopher Nolan Batman films. Blade 2 is up there with the third Nolan film.

Blade 2 lost me in the first 30 seconds with the terrible cringy croaky voiceover... My name is Blade etc .. yuk
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You could almost call Wrath of Kahn a reboot as almost nothing from the original movie (besides the ship) looked remotely the same. They just seemed to dismiss the first movie and it's leaning towards the series for the uniform etc and go in another direction totally.
Personally, very few sequels beat the originals so struggling to find an answer. For me the originals have the impact or oomph.

The Godfather, I still prefer the first, love the Sinatra references and the rise of Michael Colleone.
Star Wars, Empire is the pinnacle of the original trilogy. A New Hope is still a bloody brilliant film.
Terminator, still prefer the first although T2 is brilliant. The first holds the gritty appeal of Robocop (1987).
Prefer the plot of Mad Max, the car/bike stunts in the original (although 2 is bloody good).
I always preferred Alien, over Aliens. I blame the trailer and opening sequence, the clever titling, the word alien form on screen etc.

Decent Sequels:
Jaws 2 given the challenge of making the story plausible, is pretty good, apart from the screaming!
Indiana Jones, Temple of Doom, more light hearted than Raiders, the opening scene, and many other scene's are brilliant.
Magnum Force. Dirty Harry when it was made appears to be with the intention of a one off film, although given its box office success, a sequel was inevitably made. Its not too shabby.
I thought Lethal Weapon 2 was pretty good!
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Personally, very few sequels beat the originals so struggling to find an answer. For me the originals have the impact or oomph.

The Godfather, I still prefer the first, love the Sinatra references and the rise of Michael Colleone.
Star Wars, Empire is the pinnacle of the original trilogy. A New Hope is still a bloody brilliant film.
Terminator, still prefer the first although T2 is brilliant. The first holds the gritty appeal of Robocop (1987).
Prefer the plot of Mad Max, the car/bike stunts in the original (although 2 is bloody good).
I always preferred Alien, over Aliens. I blame the trailer and opening sequence, the clever titling, the word alien form on screen etc.

Decent Sequels:
Jaws 2 given the challenge of making the story plausible, is pretty good, apart from the screaming!
Indiana Jones, Temple of Doom, more light hearted than Raiders, the opening scene, and many other scene's are brilliant.
Magnum Force. Dirty Harry when it was made appears to be with the intention of a one off film, although given its box office success, a sequel was inevitably made. Its not too shabby.
I thought Lethal Weapon 2 was pretty good!

I cannot let this go unchallenged!

Although a fun film, the paper thin plot and screaming lead actress (plus the cringe worthy depiction of flying foxes as "giant vampire bats") are not in the same league as Raiders of the Lost Ark.
I cannot let this go unchallenged!

Although a fun film, the paper thin plot and screaming lead actress (plus the cringe worthy depiction of flying foxes as "giant vampire bats") are not in the same league as Raiders of the Lost Ark.

100% agree, Raiders is up there with the greatest films, its brilliant. I did say Temple of Doom as a sequel, was not too bad.

Take for example, Robocop. Similar to Dirty Harry, a one off, given its success, they made a sequel which was such a let down when compared to the first.

Temple of Doom, Last Crusade, whilst neither are as a good as Raiders, as sequels they are decent romps and kept the Indy legacy intact, only for the Crystal Skull to ruin it all.
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