Sequels that are better than the originals?

I’m going to go there….

BR2049 > BR

While it is better in many ways, the music in BR is superior.

Also, the original I think has a much better stab at the "what does it mean to be human?" riff of the two films.

To move the thread on, ANY of the Mission Impossible sequels are better than the original, including number 2 :)
LoTR: the two towers.

Yes I know it’s not really a sequel and all 3 are really the same film, filmed at the same time and cut up for the cinema but the second 3 hours was better than the first. :p
I can't think of any sequels I like more than originals, tbh.

Aliens, T2, Godfather 2 are all pretty much on a par.

Blade 2 was fairly bad. Remember being seriously disappointed in that when I saw it in the cinema, so surprised to see that one suggested.
BR2049 > BR

Get out! BR2049 was quite a disappointment for me.

And while we're at it - Alien trumps Aliens (altho I adore them both) and is close to being perfect. If the last 3rd had remained sci-fi horror rather than becoming monster in the dark it would be a solid 10/10.

Mad Max 2 is better than the first for sure and possibly The Gidfather part 2.
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