Serious Incident in Glasgow

Apparently, the hotel was housing asylum seekers during the lockdown.

May have been an argument between them that got way out of hand. One of the victims looked North African.
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Apparently, the hotel was housing asylum seekers during the lockdown.

May have been an argument between them that got way out of hand.

If it is relevant, not that I am saying that it is, then it wouldn't be surprising considering the circumstances lately, our asylum system isn't particularly sensible and causes problems that could easily be avoided.
Wouldn't be surprised if it is a 'domestic' incident that has played out in what was a hotel being used for homeless/asylum needs.
I'm so glad that **** didn't exist when I was growing up.

It was really just forums at first (yes they are social media as is reddit) and then Myspace and stuff started coming out and that was the start of the disease.
Scottish politician from a certain demographic trying to control the narrative already:
Humza Yousaf, Member of the Scottish Parliament for Glasgow Pollok, tweeted: "Please do not circulate rumours or hearsay of the incident in Glasgow, Police Scotland will share information publically [sic] as and when appropriate."

All other politicians coming out and offering condolences, not this guy - "Quick! Make sure no one mentions the race of the attacker! " (my paraphrasing obviously).
Just been reading replies to a tweet that Priti Patel has sent out; some disgraceful racists jumping to conclusions before the police have officially said much of anything.


Its a fair assumption to make, I made the assumption when I first heard the reading attacks.....oh and I was right.

Nothing to do with your weaponized word 'Racist' its called looking at trends? lmao
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