Sesto Elemento (Sixth Element)

That's awesome news, can't quite believe it runs temps that low without any radiators! It's always good to see someone daft enough to give these mad ideas a go and it's even better when they work better than expected, look forward to seeing some stunning pictures of the finished build soon :D
That's awesome news, can't quite believe it runs temps that low without any radiators! It's always good to see someone daft enough to give these mad ideas a go and it's even better when they work better than expected, look forward to seeing some stunning pictures of the finished build soon :D

i too am surprised by the results, i thought it was going to flop.
really glad it's worked.

Reservoir is really ugly right now, i need to get myself access to a CNC to make a pretty one.

Been a while since i've updated, been waiting for the GPu and RAM to arrive.
(RAM is only new to the market)

So i ordered some stainless steel 16mm OD tubing, and cut it all down to size.
Fitted and tested how it all looks :)

GPU Should be arriving this week, so i can begin work on the shroud and finish the main looks of the project.

For now, i'm very impressed with how things are taking shape, and appologize for the massive delay in updates.

- Craig
Been a while since i've updated, been waiting for the GPu and RAM to arrive.
(RAM is only new to the market)

So i ordered some stainless steel 16mm OD tubing, and cut it all down to size.
Fitted and tested how it all looks :)

GPU Should be arriving this week, so i can begin work on the shroud and finish the main looks of the project.

For now, i'm very impressed with how things are taking shape, and appologize for the massive delay in updates.

- Craig

block looks good, get mine on Wednesday, although in two minds if I should have gone for Frosted/satin.....

GPU would work nicely with the setup , recommend slapping some thermal Grizzlie Paste and pads though :D
block looks good, get mine on Wednesday, although in two minds if I should have gone for Frosted/satin.....

GPU would work nicely with the setup , recommend slapping some thermal Grizzlie Paste and pads though :D

Ah damn, i went with clear because i'm using clear fluid.
GPU i'm getting comes pre blocked.
It's the Gigabyte AORUS 1080Ti WB
this one

:) hope you like your alphacool block, they certain perform as good as they look (Epic) lol
Ah damn, i went with clear because i'm using clear fluid.
GPU i'm getting comes pre blocked.
It's the Gigabyte AORUS 1080Ti WB
this one

:) hope you like your alphacool block, they certain perform as good as they look (Epic) lol

oh on, thermal grizzlie it :D one thing all vendors stuffer from is poor pastes no matter what they say . guessing water blocks wouldn't matter as much but saw on the Aorus and Strix cards on air drops about 5-7c under load :)

good to hear about the performance ! im guessing the backplate is the same as the Eisbaer? hope not as its a pain in the back side haha

any teasers how your going to be linking the routing?
oh on, thermal grizzlie it :D one thing all vendors stuffer from is poor pastes no matter what they say . guessing water blocks wouldn't matter as much but saw on the Aorus and Strix cards on air drops about 5-7c under load :)

good to hear about the performance ! im guessing the backplate is the same as the Eisbaer? hope not as its a pain in the back side haha

any teasers how your going to be linking the routing?

i mean it'd probably help, but for the purpose of these tests, it's best if i don't.
Yeah it's the same backplate as the Eisbaer solo (fidgity but not as bad as some other blocks i've used)

The system is a duel loop, so under the shroud and out of sight is where the spaghetti junction will be lol.

At the moment i'm stuck in limbo with deciding howw i want to route the loop, once the GPU is here i'll be able to make a definitive descision.
here's one of the plans anyway :)

GPU straight to shroud, on a lower PCI-E Slot.
Doing a single GPU to start with, don't want to overheat the system in it's first tests under bubble cooling.
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surprised with the lower PCIe slot, specially with that card. should see when you get it the amount of nickle on show at the Aorus logo, might be a waste to the design of it to have it so low down and really hard to see or photograph .
could you not use the 2nd or 3rd PCIe slot if you wanted the south bridge Heatsink on show ?
surprised with the lower PCIe slot, specially with that card. should see when you get it the amount of nickle on show at the Aorus logo, might be a waste to the design of it to have it so low down and really hard to see or photograph .
could you not use the 2nd or 3rd PCIe slot if you wanted the south bridge Heatsink on show ?

Sorry, It'll be on the 3rd slot :)
first one blocks out the m.2, second one block out the aorus badge.
4th one is far too low.

Although if it all works well, and the bubbles keep it all cool, i may vertical mount the card with the riser going under the shroud.
At the moment, it's all tests and making sure the bubbles can handle it.

update, Been working on the shroud, and getting things ready for the rest of the loop to be installed.




Still need to align the shroud, it's currently sitting at an angle.

Will update later when it's darker to see lights :)


getting finishing touches done, while waiting for the reservoir to re-seal (Still not happy with it, but it'll have to do)

Changed the white on teh shroud to orange, added a top rght corner with aorus logo (i'll probably change that later to black and orange).

Waiting for a few more things to arrive (RAM) and then i should be good to release final photo's, video and most importantly, results of the tests.

Well.. loop is filled and running smooth.
Currently running with a 280mm radiator right now, as the i wait for the coolants to arrive which are now heavily overdue due to stock (mayhems pastel white)

Well.. loop is filled and running smooth.
Currently running with a 280mm radiator right now, as the i wait for the coolants to arrive which are now heavily overdue due to stock (mayhems pastel white)

looking good, whats your temps with the Ti idle and under load? curious to know if my mod is working correctly haha, even though yours is Ti has same back plate
looking good, whats your temps with the Ti idle and under load? curious to know if my mod is working correctly haha, even though yours is Ti has same back plate

idles around 25-27c
Load is mostly under 40c, but i've seen 42c in rocket league of all games lol.
Far cry primal, Max settings, 5760x1080 it hovers on the 40c
idles around 25-27c
Load is mostly under 40c, but i've seen 42c in rocket league of all games lol.
Far cry primal, Max settings, 5760x1080 it hovers on the 40c

good to see! :D
had mine state 25/30c idle and 43c gaming- really need to stick in a water temp probe to be 100% sure If I've got the contact right
although must admit this was running Unigine Benchmarks lol

copper Sink really matches the case quite nicely :D
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