Seti animal farm...





//wakes up

ooooooh, my head, what happened, my head hurts, hang on, erm, mandy, why does my [ASSE] hurt?;)

And where did all the water go from my watercooling system???:eek:

eek, g2g to work, ta ta.

//puff of dust as Bundles legs it when he realises he's about to be late for work:eek:
Hmmm why the hell am I up this early?

Augmented what did you put in those pints of kittens? me head hurts... I cant remember where my money is and why is there a Llama in my bed?
Lots of good crunchers can be found at this site!!

Some examples:

I'll better stop or i'll fall of my chair laughing, my collegue is looking at me thinking why the hell i'm chuckling and i'm trying not to laugh too loud, this is brilliant :D
Originally posted by Mandex001
Im too young to remember it :D

Edti: ohh im 11days older than you :D

so u r !! doesnt it sux having a birthday just after christmas and new years, no one has any money left, and no one can be bothered to do anything exciting!!
Originally posted by L c
so u r !! doesnt it sux having a birthday just after christmas and new years, no one has any money left, and no one can be bothered to do anything exciting!!

Exactly how I feel mate :(

one year I got a bucket of popcorn from my bro. woohoo. Thing was he bought it from where I work.

Yeah major suckage.

We used to go to a resturant in Oxford called Old Orleans for my birthday... havent been there for a while :(
Originally posted by L c
ROFL!!!!!!!! but am i the only person who doesnt recognise this version of superman?! who is he!!
George Reeves, whom I assume was the first 'live' Superman in the 50s.

/edit - just been looking at the history of Superman and let's just say there have been some odd moments:

"Streaky the Super Cat and Comet the Super Horse also made brief introductions during this period. In 1958 a pilot of ‘The Adventures of Superpup’ starring midgets in costumes was filmed. Thankfully, the networks passed."
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Think i may of had this one stashing a bit to long tbh.


looks like he could do with a dump:p

Also told this one where i was gonna stick the network cable.


The look says it all don't you think:D
Hmm.. didnt know you had a blue faced Esso watch Bundles mate.. and is what you are doing with that hand not the very definition of a Plampff sah?
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