SETI@home News Vol. 111 (23/07/2010)

Just my luck........................

Things were just starting to look up for my RAC......

Managed to get over 50k with the new GTX470 and then things went pear shaped again.

Looks like my last Hybrid just bit the dust........

PC Blue Screened and on reboot the Hybrid was gone. PC no longer detects it.

Even stripped out the GTX's and tried - nothing.

Guess its RMA time again.

:( :( :(

Pity, as it was slightly better than the 470's on SETI.

Looks like Reaver will catch me sooner than I thought :(
Looks like my last Hybrid just bit the dust........

Sorry to hear that.
I'll have less satisfaction in the stomp but on the upside it might give me a chance to pass you before i get a steaming cup of brown liquid splashed all over me as a certain someone speeds past both of us :p
Blimey Loudbob you had no luck with those hybrids at all, will you rma and try to get 470 as a replacement?

Postie :)

The first lasted 5 weeks and the second 3 months........

Better than the 470's for seti (with opt apps) so it is a bit of a loss.

Not sure what (or if) I should replace it with.........might just hold on and wait till after the hols - then I will just build a new rig.

Oh, postie was a little late for the news, but:

Well, that's my upgrade complete - a day early:


Not pretty, but the 2x285's, heavily over-clocked should do the biz' and help with our team RAC :D
My rig will be back to work shortly just installing drivers and stuff my watercooling is doing OK for now much better than last time but I haven't put many volts through the CPU yet :D

Feels good to be back :)
Looks good Area 51 those gpu's look mean :)

Glad to hear your just about back Marine did you figure out the cause of the problem? :)

Public Information Message

Tbag towers is closed for essential maintenance, which is just another way of saying i had the dig out from hell and now its all in front of me i can't b... move...:mad:
An ipod!! good grief well tis good to see you back, i can watch you and Area51 stomping each other :D;)
If your in need of any cables or the like(nowt fancy mind) have a few boxes of the damn things...soon as i get my camera working will post a pic of my corner of shame, i bet we could all fund seti for a month with the bits n pieces stashed in cuboards :D
Nice tiffys everyone and it's nice to see the upgrades which can only bode well for the team and our RAC

Postie dropped this off for me...

Spot on Marine i see you've been buisy with the hoover! :D

Nice tiffy Edge very well done sah, you've all gone upgrade mad what are you getting? :)
Nice tiffy Edge very well done sah, you've all gone upgrade mad what are you getting? :)


Just a thought, Im sure I read that boinc will try to use the most powerful gpu if there are multiple cards in the system and not use the 2nd card at all. If you had a 295 and an 8800GT in the same system, boinc would use the 295 and ignore the 8800GT - is there a setting to use to get the two cards working together or was I reading something wrong..


If set, use GPUs even if they're not equivalent to the most capable one. New in 6.6.25

Its a cc_config file edit

Quite a useful page...
Last edited:
You need a cc_config.xml file in the Boinc folder.......

Stop and exit Boinc before doing the following.......

Location usually (for XP):

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\BOINC

create a file called cc_config.xml and edit in notepad to read:


Restart Boinc and all should be well.
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