SETI@Home News Vol. 138 9th July - 15th July 2011

Quick question for all , whats the best anyone has got from a GTX260 on seti?

I keep reading that 15K+ is possible, thats what my 460's are doing.:confused:

my 260gtx 216 core version is doing around 15k, with a very mild overclock, due to worries about the dell default PSU in it. also this is doing gpu only, no contribution from the cpu.

and i'll try to clean up nice for you;)
Ouch! Very nearly a cracking purchase sah. No Mr Area51 is still with the gpu users group but does keep "an eye on us" from afar :)


MY CPU does PrimeGrid permanently now, and AMDUsers were an odd bunch. Don't know why I didn't think of it before, but I thought I would put my PrimeGrid credit where it would (sort of) be appreciated - and hey presto, another prime pops out the woodwork (taking my tally to 9)!!! My CPU only does 7500 RAC/day on PG, but hey, thats 2.5 million/year - and it does seem to be pretty good and finding these funny numbers!
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