SETI@Home & Projects News Vol. 187 21st October to 29th October 2012

Bloody Christmas mail - almost missed this


After much fussing/rmas/change of mind/temporary poverty finally have both cpu's watercooled and now there's a space in the cuboard where the sr2 languished for nigh on 12 months but its done now. A Christmas kick back n relax is in order and will add a few gpu's and waterblocks early in the new year. I have no intention of trying to tidy the cables until then it works and that's enough for me.

**Bong eyed Honey Monster Approved!!** :D

I'm back now as well, at least for the moment. After seven months on the dole, I finally got a job. I'm down to two machines though, these days, with the i3820 doing LHC2, so just a single i920 doing SETI.
Welcome back Meridian. I also hope you've landed a good job, as being on the dole myself in the not-too-distant past I know they have you applying for anything just so they can put a few ticks in boxes.
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