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Severely underperforming GTX 770

Hi again,

Here is a link to my GPU-Z screenshot while on the desktop (not sure about the image posting rules on this forum, so I hope that linking direct from the GPU-Z hosting solution is O.K!)


I'm afraid I don't have time to rerun Witcher 2 for a while and take another screenshot of it then because I'm going to work soon.

What I did notice however is that my GPU was at 100% (99%) load while I was playing, the fans were sitting around 70-75% speed and my temps were sitting around 70 degrees celsius, but my clock was sitting at 1050 (base clock) not 1111 (boost clock).

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't GPU boost 2.0 kick in if the temps on the die are below 80 degrees and ramp the core up to the boost value (or around there at any case)? It doesn't seem to be doing this with my 770.

Also, for it being at stock settings and with those fan / load figures are my temps not a little high (especially if it's not enabling boost)?

I would assume that means that my airflow isn't great in my case, and it's not getting rid of the hot air being blown out of the GPU effectively enough?

I'm not sure why that would be though. My build is very (very) clean - I can upload a photo if you guys think it would be easier to point out flaws in my setup. It's all in a Corsair 600T which is a pretty sizeable case designed with good airflow in mind.

I have my 2 200mm case fans connected to my fan controller and have them set at around 50%. Now, naturally I will (should) get better air flow setting them at 100%, but they're load enough as it is already (I can hear them over the headphones while gaming during quite moments).

I really didn't think I'd be having any heat problems while at stock clocks to be honest.

The only thing I can think of that might be causing more heat in my case than there should be is that currently my H80i fans are drawing air from the back of the case, blowing it through the radiator and exhausting it into the case.

The corsair diagram was misleading and there were no arrows on the fans themselves showing which way the air blows so I installed them the wrong way around. Corsair seem to suggest that the way I have them installed currently is optimal either way, and to be honest the air coming from my CPU cooler is being blown directly underneath my 200mm exhaust fan in the top of my case and (presumably) being sucked out of it almost instantly anyway.

Oh, and my 4670k is currently at stock clocks. I would imagine I will get slightly more performance in game with it OC'd, but honestly the load on my CPU while gaming is pretty low to begin with, surely OC'ing it wouldn't make that much of a difference to this particular game?

I had wanted to OC both my CPU and GPU when I pick up 4 new fans after my next pay day. Going to replace the stock h80i fans with Noctua NF-F12's I think (and put them the right way around this time) and replace both 200mm fans with something better, though I'm not sure what yet.

Hopefully after doing this I'll start getting results comparable to the benchmarks I based my purchasing decisions on - there's nothing worse than spending £1600 of your hard earned money and not getting the performance you were expecting to! :(
Here are my GPU-Z sensor settings after an hour of playing Witcher 2:


Nothing seems to jump out at me as unusual, other than the average GPU clock speed which was only just over 1000 if I recall correctly, despite my card supposedly having a base clock of 1059.

So my GPU must be getting too hot and it's down clocking itself? Max GPU temperature was 72 degrees Celsius I think.
What GPU drivers were the Titan benchmark you copied using? The recent 320.18 and 320.49 drivers aren't very good and cause issues in games for a lot of people.
Are you running MSI Afterburner (or precision X) to allow the GPU overlay in game?

(I think you are judging by your previous posts but just double checking).

No boost at all under GPU Boost 2.0 normally means you have hit the set temperature target (the card will downclock to the base clock until temperatures come back under control).

IIRC GPU boost 2.0 also factors in the overall TD limit but your normally have to be overclocking the card hard for this to become a problem - it actually does on the 780 once you push clocks hard.

However in this case the temperature appears to be perfectly fine (unless a very low temp target is built into the Cirect CUII 770).

What are the clocks actually appearing in game? (From the Precision / Afterburner OSD)

Also what are the clocks like in other games? I know from experience that my 780 boosts harder in Crysis 3 (998) than Sleeping dogs (95x).

Perhaps try a quick driver reinstall (320.49 WHQL now available) and see if the problem persists? (This may be something specific to The Witcher).
I'm using 320.49 drivers, so I suppose that could explain the slight loss in performance I'm getting.

Still, that wouldn't explain the hardware issues I'm having with me card down clocking itself below the supposed base clock of 1059Mhz under load, despite being under the target temp of 79 degrees Celsius. I hit a high of 72, but an average of like 69.

Can't get the Precision X OSD to work, when I go into 'Monitoring' there isn't a check box for 'Enable OSD Monitoring' only one for Logitech keyboard display. Despite having installed the files needed to enable OSD during installation. I guess I'll try MSI afterburner.

Eugh, It's not been my day today. GPU not clocking high enough, CPU stuck on turbo mode even at Desktop - what more could go wrong? :<
Sounds like you could be running card to hot? I thought you have you keep it below 70 on keplar?

Also I thought gpu boost 2.0 was even cooler around 60 to get the full boost but I could be wrong.
I'm using 320.49 drivers, so I suppose that could explain the slight loss in performance I'm getting.

Still, that wouldn't explain the hardware issues I'm having with me card down clocking itself below the supposed base clock of 1059Mhz under load, despite being under the target temp of 79 degrees Celsius. I hit a high of 72, but an average of like 69.

Can't get the Precision X OSD to work, when I go into 'Monitoring' there isn't a check box for 'Enable OSD Monitoring' only one for Logitech keyboard display. Despite having installed the files needed to enable OSD during installation. I guess I'll try MSI afterburner.

Eugh, It's not been my day today. GPU not clocking high enough, CPU stuck on turbo mode even at Desktop - what more could go wrong? :<

I take it you installed the seperate RivaTuner Statistics Server (RTSS)? For whatever reason this functionality is now seperate in Precision X & Afterburner.

I would definately give Afterburner a try (you will need 3.0.0 Beta 10).

imginy said:
Sounds like you could be running card to hot? I thought you have you keep it below 70 on keplar?

Also I thought gpu boost 2.0 was even cooler around 60 to get the full boost but I could be wrong.

You can override (to a degree) the temperature target in both Precision & Afterburner. At set temps the card will still reduce clocks by a single bin - 13Mhz, but increasing the target allows for more aggressive turbo as long temps don't get too hgh.

There should be no reason Eilua's card is not boosting at all with the target temperature set - unless the power limit for whatever reason is also set very low (unlikely).

Eilua - What happens if you set a core offset of say 10mhz? Does your card now boost or does it just show as 1060Mhz (1050 base + 10Mhz offset)?

Hopefully this is just a case of Precision not showing the correct boost clocks. The lower performance in The Withcher 2 - compared to Bit-Tech - can possibly be explained by a different game area being tested

EDIT: Also your sig is too large - it can only be 4 lines of text max.

This image has just been taken from my desktop with only CPU-z and GPU-z open. Not only will my GPU not boost, now it's not down clocking either...

I really have no idea what to check to fix this. Is it worth looking at any settings in my bios, or will nothing in there effect this?

I'll check setting an offset and seeing if that does anything in a bit and post the results.

Yeah, I reckon it was just that they were testing a different area, I get similar results in the area they tested (flotsam).

I'm more worried about my GPU not doing things it's supposed to now. I mean, it's performing well enough to not be a hindrance, but my build is two days old and I've spent a lot of money on it, I want to make sure it's performing exactly as it should now - rather than put it to the back of my mind and just end up never fixing it.

P.S. Is my sig alright now? I've deleted a couple of entries. It doesn't clearly show how many lines it will take up when you preview it!
If your GPU isn't reaching the manufacturer stated clocks then I'd DSR it if I were you & get a different one.

Try the EVGA OC scanner (the tool you can download after clicking the test button on Precision X). That shouldn't put too much stress on your card so it should boost to its full potential. If it doesn't reach 1111mhz on that then your card is under performing. Have a look at the ASIC quality of the card too from GPU-Z to see what kind of chip you have (load up GPU-Z click the icon on the top left & then click read ASIC). As a general rule the lower the ASIC the lower the stock clocks.
Try going to nVidia Control Panel -> Manage 3D Settings -> Global Settings -> Power Management Mode -> Adaptive. If it's on "prefer maximum performance" then that'll be why it's not clocking down on the desktop (could be related to the boost issues too but I doubt it).

This image has just been taken from my desktop with only CPU-z and GPU-z open. Not only will my GPU not boost, now it's not down clocking either...

I really have no idea what to check to fix this. Is it worth looking at any settings in my bios, or will nothing in there effect this?

I'll check setting an offset and seeing if that does anything in a bit and post the results.

Yeah, I reckon it was just that they were testing a different area, I get similar results in the area they tested (flotsam).

I'm more worried about my GPU not doing things it's supposed to now. I mean, it's performing well enough to not be a hindrance, but my build is two days old and I've spent a lot of money on it, I want to make sure it's performing exactly as it should now - rather than put it to the back of my mind and just end up never fixing it.

P.S. Is my sig alright now? I've deleted a couple of entries. It doesn't clearly show how many lines it will take up when you preview it!

Yep your sig is showing correctly now. If you want to show more stuff in it decrease the text size - size 1 is good for this :).

The GPU not down clocking when there is no load is a little worrying. As Deceptor mentions check the power management setting in the Nvidia Control panel.

As an example my 780 is currently humming along at 324Mhz on the core with no GPU load shown in GPU-Z. My power management setting is set to "Adaptive". Unless you have changed this yours should have defaulted to adaptive.

Are you able to check a few different games / benchmarks with the Afterburner OSD enabled to check your core clock. I am just wondering if this is a issue with The Witcher 2 rather than the card.

If the card is refusing to boost at all and you have tried all of the usual suspects then I would probably DSR it myself. Even in the current temperatures and in a case not known for its amazing cooling (Define R3) my 780 will happily boost in any game I try it in - even with temps over 75 degrees.

EDIT: Rather interestingly whilst benchching TDU2 last night my GTX780 decided not to bother boosting itself. I only noticed once I checked the FRAPS output and only achieved the same FPS as a overclocked 7970. Quitting and restarting the game brought back boost. It did the same thing again when I set my OC benching profile. Other benchmarks / games were fine. Very odd TBH.
Last edited:
Little update:

Last night I was playing Witcher 2 for about 6 hours with GPU-Z Monitoring my clocks the whole time. My maximum clock was around 1160, which is higher than the manufacturer stated boost clock of 1110.

Temperatures were around what they always have been, and were below the target temperature of 79 degrees, which is presumably why GPU boost 2.0 was able to boost my clock speed above the stated boost speed.

This is the first time that I've seen my GPU go over the manufacturer stated case clock of 1059 however, despite my card not over heating or anything of that nature. It seems that whatever controls the GPU clock on my card (not sure if it's controlled by hardware or software) is a little irritable at best and at worst just simply malfunctioning (not going into boost when it should, and not always down clocking when under 0% load).

Is this something that potentially a future driver update can fix? Or is it hardware based and I should expect to always have a temperamental GPU clock?

I'm really in two minds as to whether to DSR it or not. It works fine in the games I own at the moment, but GPU boost 2.0 is one of the headline features of the 700 series and what grants it its small performance boost over the GTX 680.

I'm going to replace my case fans soon, which should hopefully reduce my GPU temps by a fair amount, I wonder if it's worth waiting for then and seeing if that sorts out my GPU not consistently boosting / down clocking?
Try going to nVidia Control Panel -> Manage 3D Settings -> Global Settings -> Power Management Mode -> Adaptive. If it's on "prefer maximum performance" then that'll be why it's not clocking down on the desktop (could be related to the boost issues too but I doubt it).

Thanks for mentioning that, It was actually set to prefer maximum performance. I have no idea why because I'm 100% certain I haven't changed that preference. Weird.
The GPU not down clocking when there is no load is a little worrying. As Deceptor mentions check the power management setting in the Nvidia Control panel.

Are you able to check a few different games / benchmarks with the Afterburner OSD enabled to check your core clock. I am just wondering if this is a issue with The Witcher 2 rather than the card.

If the card is refusing to boost at all and you have tried all of the usual suspects then I would probably DSR it myself. Even in the current temperatures and in a case not known for its amazing cooling (Define R3) my 780 will happily boost in any game I try it in - even with temps over 75 degrees.

I'm going to download a couple of games today and test them out to see if my boost works correctly in them. To be honest, the only graphically intensive games I have at the moment other than TW2 are Civ 5 and GRID2, which do you reckon would be best to test this out on?

When the Steam Summer sale kicks off, I'll probably buy a few highly GPU demanding games to test this stuff out in the future, but obviously don't want to miss out on the savings I'll get by buying during the sale!

Just out of curiosity, what is the process for DSR'ing? Do I just ring up OcUK, ask to return the product, get a refund and then buy another one off them - or can I just explain the issues I'm having and ask for a straight swap?

I'm new to PC building and have never had to DSR / RMA before!
I'm going to download a couple of games today and test them out to see if my boost works correctly in them. To be honest, the only graphically intensive games I have at the moment other than TW2 are Civ 5 and GRID2, which do you reckon would be best to test this out on?

When the Steam Summer sale kicks off, I'll probably buy a few highly GPU demanding games to test this stuff out in the future, but obviously don't want to miss out on the savings I'll get by buying during the sale!

Just out of curiosity, what is the process for DSR'ing? Do I just ring up OcUK, ask to return the product, get a refund and then buy another one off them - or can I just explain the issues I'm having and ask for a straight swap?

I'm new to PC building and have never had to DSR / RMA before!

Boost should work in any game so any of those listed would be fine. It shoudl also be working in Heaven, Unigine Valley and 3DMark benchmarks as well (quicker to download and test).

I believe there is a specific webnote ticket for DSR returns on the website.
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