sexual emergency

Don't get me wrong - my point is pretty simple - Here we have a thread banging on about 'migrant rape culture' - every single 'incident' is reported here as if some people really give a poop about the victims, yet we have far worse going on in our own 'culture' - and other than one thread about jim'll fix it which fizzled out within two minutes we ignore what goes on by our own people. Wheres the threads covering what our politicians, footballers and celebs are doing? - oh yeah, its kool we can point fingers at 'outsiders' instead.

Quick to place the blame elsewhere, yet deny we have any problems.

you already embarrassed yourself with this nonsense on the first page of the thread
update on the town in Sweden mentioned earlier - now at eight attacks in the last three weeks by migrants:

A string of brutal sex attacks has left residents of Östersund, population 44,000, living in fear they could be next
The small town has seen eight separate sex attacks since February 20, with the latest occurring at the weekend
Girls as young as 10 have reported being groped and threatened, while others have fought off would-be rapists
Police have warned women they are no longer safe walking alone at night, turning the city into an empty ghost town
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