Shameful Things You've Done/Said, That You Now Totally Regret

I used to tell some serious lies when I was younger, especially to my parents. Looking back, I think I would have been better off just telling the truth.

I think most of us have been in the situation of making inappropriate comments unknowingly about people's family/friends etc.
penski said:
"It's okay that you're her mum..." (post-coital)

"Can anyone smell bacon..?" (unbeknownst to me, a police car had crashed and caught fire two streets over that morning and I could genuinely smell bacon)

Nailing a vicar's daughter in the church in the back of a Volkswagen is probably the most disrespectful thing I've done that I'll admit to...

*n'd you get the VW in the church?
Remember being really drunk one summer in Newquay and seeing some girls in a back garden having a party, so me and my partner in crime decided to try and make our way to the girls. The only way was across a garage roof, somehow we convinced ourself that it would hold our weight (yeah like really). Obviously it didn't and we both crashed through the roof onto a car below, we must have caused £££ of damage but we both legged it.

We did consider going back the next day and owning up and paying for the damage but we were 20 and embarrassed so we didn't, the garage owner must have been livid!!

AndyBorzi said:'d you get the VW in the church?


Did anyone just see some tumbleweed?

Anyhoo - I don't regret giving the vicar's daughter bumloving in the church...but it was disrespectful.

I regret not following my instincts once, and misplacing my trust. Never again. Arguably not shameful, but I was ashamed of myself in hindsight.
I have many regrets.
I've been bad but have at least turned my life around. I no longer take what i want or hurt people doing it and haven't for over Ten years.
I live with my regrets daily and strive constantly to improve myself socially.
This is all i can do to some way pay back the wrongs i have done.
penski said:

Did anyone just see some tumbleweed?

Anyhoo - I don't regret giving the vicar's daughter bumloving in the church...but it was disrespectful.


Good ol' mallrats :)



"he tried to screw me somewhere very uncomfortable"

"what like the back of a volkswagon?"
one time while very drunk i was talking the usual complete gibberish i do ... sadly someone recorded it ... like george lucas and that stoopid christmas singing starwars thing i have been desperatly trying to burn all evidence that the evening ever existed, but sound files of me being a complete drunken muppet are still out there.

other that that i dont regret anything... although i might need to lie about a few things :)
the OcUK database cant cope with the amount of times i've put my foot in my mouth and lived to regret it. i tend to say something if i think it'll get a laugh, and regret it after. i'm getting better though
No regrets about anything at all, i say it like it is.. and unfortunately if it hurts ones feelings then....not much i can say or do about it. If anything gets on my nerves is people who cant say what they really are trying to say. I just say it like it is and do it like it is.

But nope absolutely positively no regrets so far in my life:)
I didnt go to my granmas funeral:(
She was my fave relitive and the nicest one to me to:(
Sic said:
the OcUK database cant cope with the amount of times i've put my foot in my mouth and lived to regret it. i tend to say something if i think it'll get a laugh, and regret it after. i'm getting better though

Those things that don't kill us only make us stronger.
In no particualr order...

Telling a former girlfriend that i would have slept with her mum if her dad wasn't also in the house.......

Wiping my bum on a towel of a girl that rejected my drunken advances in Ibiza only to find out that she actually work with one of my friends I was on holiday with in the local Safeway.

Waking up to the jovial sound of "Mummy, where is daddy....."
penski said:
Nailing a vicar's daughter in the church in the back of a Volkswagen is probably the most disrespectful thing I've done that I'll admit to...



Fantastic. ;)

[southern american accent]
You're goin to hell fer that boy!
[/southern american accent]

I'm making no comments about that I've done...far too many ;)

callmeBadger said:
Those things that don't kill us only make us stronger.

Tell that to stroke victims.

Loads of regrets and things that I'm ashamed of; I have years worth cringe-worthy embarrasing moment that I wish had never happend. However, instead of sharing them with you lot I'm going to bottle them up inside where they can prey on my mind until the day of reckoning and then all those who have any knowledge of the incidents will be first against the wall and who'll be laughing then? eh? eh?.....

/starts rocking in a dark room
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