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sacrilege i know but has anyone got any low carb recipes for dough ?

You can make a passable base using mozzarella and eggs or wife sometimes does a recipe that uses cauliflower. Its almost no carbs. If its keto there are lots of recipes on google but none of them, that I have found so far, are as good as actual dough of course.
170g Mozzerella
85g ground almonds
50g cream cheese

Mix and microwave for 1 min, combine. If not mixed well microwave 1 more min.

Add 1 egg, mix and turn out onto baking parchment. Flatten using 2nd sheet of baking parchment if needed.

***** with a fork and bake for 8 - 10 mins @ 200c

Remove from oven and top with whatever. Return to oven for 5 - 8 mins (until toppings melted/cooked) and NOM.

It's damn tasty and works well imo.
so has anyone researched/got a good deep pan recipe ?
most of the reddit ones like this
seem to be predominately adding significant corn oil, with some small amount of butter, not sure what the uk alternative to corn oil is - rapeseed ?

Lot of recipes I've seen just have the addition of cornmeal which is easily found in Tesco, etc and butter, rest is just your basic Italian base.

I should really try and make it myself one day, I even have a skillet which would be perfect for this.
yes - you're right they all have cornmeal ... but on the fat content butter/corn-oil , that component is a bit more ambiguous
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