She Hulk (Marvel TV Series)

You do realise She Hulk’s been around for 30-40 years in the comics. Her character isn’t anything to do with the modern trend of gender swapping.

Yeap, I'd say it's the best way if people wanted to create a "swapped gender" so rather than gender swapping an existing character, risking fan apathy, you instead create a new character and, if it's well written, it'll succeed just like the OG character did as proven many times in the past.

It's amazing how this was known and understood 30-40 years ago by people who nowadays would be called "less progressive" by folks in an industry whose gender-swap based publications have completed flopped, all due to "sexist fans" rather than the publication simply being poor quality.
You do realise She Hulk’s been around for 30-40 years in the comics. Her character isn’t anything to do with the modern trend of gender swapping.
yes she has been around for a very long time and throughout that time she held a very feminine body shape. Nu She-Hulk however is, well, a dude. Which sort of ties into the current trend in American comics to portray female characters as either muscle bound Manish body types or chubby sexless women.
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