She Hulk (Marvel TV Series)

I enjoyed the show, I even enjoyed the finale with Kevin, the irony is people complain that the MCU is formulaic, then moan about stuff when they do things differently and even reference the formulaicness.

I think those crying the loudest identify too much with Intelligencia (sp?)

PS. Madisynn was ace :D
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Quality writing there, blame the 'trolls' rather than no one watching it. Good stuff

Yeap, thats a really odd take from Disney "Lets blame the people who were never going to watch this anyway rather than blame ourselves for making something so bad that even the MCU 'fans' we aimed this at stayed away in numbers large enough to cause this to flop, hard".

I mean I understand that there are folks that liked this, and therefore don't like people disparaging it, but people really should aim their complaints at Disney for creating something that both the general public & MCU 'fans' stayed away from, not just the "evil right wing trolls" who were never going to watch this anyway.

It suggests that the audience/fandom that Disney/Marvel are currently creating all of their new material for, just isn't big enough to financially support the content that is being produced, meaning both companies will either have to change their audience again to one who can financially support them, or live with much, much smaller, cheaper content being created to match the financial levels of their new fandom. I can't see much else changing though to be fair.
I enjoyed the show, I even enjoyed the finale with Kevin, the irony is people complain that the MCU is formulaic, then moan about stuff when they do things differently and even reference the formulaicness.

I think those crying the loudest identify too much with Intelligencia (sp?)

PS. Madisynn was ace :D
I’m not sure that’s fair many of us can acknowledge it took chances but you can’t get away from the fact they delivered them badly.
The worst example that comes to mind is they spend the whole series telling us how ace Jen is as lawyer, tell, tell, tell. The in the Daredevil episode they show her being and awful lazy stupid lawyer losing the case on the most basic piece of due diligence. The writing on She Hulk was awful from start to finish. Which is a shame as the actress was quite good and they did takes some chances to break the mould, just very very badly.
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I was looking forward to Daredevil and thought the MCU portrayal was ok. Did enjoy She Hulk in parts but the end didn't work for me and kinda lost its way imo. Hope they learn from their mistakes build.on the positives. I wish they make a Daredevil movie or show. Closer to the Netflix version hopefully.
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Netflix did a great Daredevil IMHO, not a comicbook fan, also didn't like what they did with him in SheHulk with him vaulting down the side of that carpark, although I understand that's more comicbook accurate..

I watched SheHulk, but though the 4th wall breaking, twerking, the whole KEVIN bot thing, the poor CGI, it was just full of weak sauce, its like it didn't know what sort of show it wanted to be, and that, IMHO, showed..
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