I really didnt like Empire or Napoleon though, I only like the original Shogun and Rome.
Will I like this one?
Absolutely though replay value is very low on this one.
What are the chances of steam reducing the game to similar price before Christmas?
Why's that?
Been thinking about this too. Is it activated on steam? If you buy a retail copy do you need the disc to play? Ta
For me it was the lack of space on the campaign map, its like a COD game i.e. you go in one direction every time.
I racked up ~200hr and 100hr on Empire and Napoleon because you could have loads of fun playing as daft countries or setting daft victory conditions e.g. Persia (trust me its nuts).
Shogun was more fun because everything worked but the others had more variety. Next game is rumoured to be Rome 2 so there is the real time sink coming.