Shops not passing on VAT cut

Where i work we have kept the prices the same around the store however when the customer reaches the till we scan a coupon and it takes of the correct amount of VAT the funny thing is though if a cashier forgets to scan the vat coupon just once the company is fined £5k per missed coupon. the employee also gets a warning
What do you get out of going straight into work? Being able to tell students on the internet that they haven't lived yet in the few years you have over them till they become your line managers?

I would never criticise someone like Fox, except when they presume to be the expert on stuff they know nothing about and have no experience of.
If you keep weighing in on how a tax cut affects the average person, don't be surprised if people point out that you have sod all experience to assess that.

I rather suspect that if you are in the situation whereby a £2.10 saving on a £100 product is make or break or you, you are not the average person no matter how much you desperately wish you were.

I've never claimed to be an expert on anything. I simply post my opinion, and where neccesary, will defend myself against petty sniping :)
I would never criticise someone like Fox, except when they presume to be the expert on stuff they know nothing about and have no experience of.

But experience of what!!! Paying a few bills? If you have a good enough job, and budget right. Paying bills like the rent etc shouldn't be an issue.
And as we've now got pretty Christmas smileys, what say we go back to discussing the politics/economics of this situation rather than who is the bestest and the most independantist?
[TW]Fox;13004047 said:
I rather suspect that if you are in the situation whereby a £2.10 saving on a £100 product is make or break or you, you are not the average person no matter how much you desperately wish you were.
I have a five figure bank balance so not really, although the way you look down your nose at people you presume to be poor, from the comfort of your parents' house, proves my point about you :)

I've never claimed to be an expert on anything. I simply post my opinion, and where neccesary, will defend myself against petty sniping :)
You can post your opinion all you want, but don't whine when people point out that it is not an informed one.
I'm married with a house, mortgage, high bills, a nice lifestyle and a lot of "real world experience" when it comes to personal finances, and I agree with Fox on these.

DD, I think your arguement here is completely shot (type or not?! ;))

However, I also think the VAT cut is not all about the consumer, it is just a very good way of putting £12 Billion back into the economy.
So, to clarify, until you have experience at 'life' your opinion on anything related to the economy, finance, indeed anything beyond which computer games are *** win this week and which is the fastest car, is null and void?

I'll bear that in mind in future, infact perhaps I'll pop into a random persons house on my way back to the car in a second and ask them about VAT as clearly they will have a more informed opinion than myself.

Most people in this country couldn't even tell you who the Chancellor is, let alone what the VAT change means for them and whether its better in their own pocket or businesses. Most people in this country have the 'life experience' (You actually mean 'full time job and living alone experience') you beleive qualifies you more than anything else.

Life dosen't begind at 40, or 0 - no when you get that statement through from Npower, that's it from then on in. THE REAL WORLD. Never mind holding down a job or doing a masters, paying for your car to be fixed, or going to vote, no siree
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By all accounts, the people that throw 'life experience' as some kind of justification tend to be bitter and miserable. If that's what 'life experience' does, they can keep it :p
I can tell you now, fox doesn't look down at anything for being poor at all! You just seem to be picking on him for no reason at all. Is it because you had such a hard time in your little life or something? Well i have got news for you! The world doesn't owe you a favour!

Maybe if you read what fox posted about, having to buy food, pay for the web etc etc all on a few days a week in game which gets him about £30 a day? I would say for the total he earns and needs to pay on bills, he has a good understanding of paying bills and how some increases affect this.

But in your world, unless you dont live at home and pay £500 rent, you haven't got an idea on how hard the world really is.
Fox has a good understanding of paying bills...

...even though he's never paid any.

No, funnily enough I don't agree.
You apparently have a good understanding of what it's like to be a Down's Syndrome (SC thread) individual, even though you've never met one.

Fox has a good understanding of paying bills...

...even though he's never paid any.

No, funnily enough I don't agree.

What is your problem? I would say he has a good understanding.

You really have a problem with people with a little money dont you?

Are you one of these people who left school and worked from 16 for dam all. And look at people who stayed in uni and did a little work and earn 3 times as much as you and hate their guts for it
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