Should Gordon call an election this year?

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Sod the economy! I just think it is a shame about the lack of personality that Gordon Brown has, maybe he can get a brain transplant. At the moment he can't even play a good tune as our ship slowly and ultimately breaks up and sinks.
i think Gordon should call an election as he will probably win, i hated him when he first became PM but i think he is pretty good now.

I think if ol'tony came back though he would wipe the floor with all of them, carisma should never be underatted.

PS. I am a die hard conservative but Cameron has lost the plot too much imho, and labour are basically conservative since "new labour" anyway.
Our debt, even after all this new spending, will still be less than current French and German levels (we are currently at 40% of GDP, both of them are in the 60s).


Back that up please. And be sure to include all the off balance sheet PFI and 'soundbite agreed to' debt.

Then also please include well over £1 trillion of public sector pension liability.

Crash Brown shouldn't call an election now. He should wait as long as he could, just so everyone can see exactly what armageddon he's unleased on the UK in the past 12 years, to ensure that nobody will ever, ever vote in this dangerous bunch of clowns again.

The UK economy has been run like some chav credit card account for the past 8 years, and now we're about to be treated like a bankrupt. Because we are.

**** you Brown, for screwing up my parents in retirement, for making it pointless for me to carry on saving for my retirement and most of all, for making my 8 year old son having to pay for it for the rest of his life.

No swearing

Nationalization of banks? 45% tax? Huge public debt?

We still have gone to American style system, Conservatives or Super Convervatives.

The lines between the two parties has blured greatly since TB took power. (maybe even when that foo' Kinock lost the election)
We still have gone to American style system, Conservatives or Super Convervatives.

The lines between the two parties has blured greatly since TB took power.

Yes they have done, but now they are both becoming very different again. I wrote an essay on this only the other week. I'm to tired to go into in any detail.
No, only when the Tories have a better leader.

Labour = Good ideas, poor leader, poor cabinet.
Tories = Crap ideas, very, very poor leader.
Does not compute.

Voltar, you elect a party. Not it's leader.
Not really, you vote for a parties policies. GB changed them. I wouldn't have a problem with Dictator Brown, if he'd stuck with TB's policies. But no....
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People are just being drawn into this, spending saving thing, must get people spending crap that labour are spouting.

IF people want to save, that should be fine, the problem is when people stop spending in the uk we're now screwed because we have so many jobs in the service industry and working in retail we're screwed in the behind when they stop as people lose jobs. If a HUGE number of jobs were in industry and building things to sell to people that need them, if people like Dell weren't slashing jobs in Ireland to go build cheaper elsewhere(yes its there, but same principle) we'd never have gotten into this situation in the first place. We're so massively reliant on public sector jobs that we can't have a slow down in tax, meaning we can't stop spending. if we do we not only lose retail jobs now, but public sector as we can't afford to pay them.

Except our government just increases spending and jobs in the public sector and borrows to keep paying them.

we're still doing almost nothing to encourage business/industry back to the country while every other semi smart nation on the planet is running around throwing around backhanders and promises to get industry giants to build manufacturing plants in their country. We're just watching them leave, taking their jobs and money with them.

Yes we should have an election, whatever party runs on the platform of paying super models to blow industry executives as favours for bringing their business to the UK should get voted in, its about our only decent chance now.
Isn't just two nationalist parties and two loyalist parties?

Theres the alliance party and the green party too....

Remembering the electoral pacts and odd deals out there, voting ulster unionist now equates to voting tory and voting dup is sort of with labour (from what i remember) so there is sort of options...ish..... :rolleyes:

(yeah the labour one isnt formal at all thankfully, just helped labour plow through some anti-terror laws i thinks)

Anways, hopefully torys cant win based on a complete lack of policy or good (also non euro sceptic) people to put in the cabinet, putting labour as the only vagually good option
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Back that up please.

I can only go by official figures, which are from 2007 unfortunately so a year out of date.

Germany 64.90
France 63.90
United Kingdom 43.60

Here are some IMF figures:,474,917,754,544,698,941&s=GGD_NGDP&grp=0&a=

France 65.191 67.468
Germany 76.379 76.994
United Kingdom 43.389 44.323

That's 08 and 09 estimates.

World bank do a similar list, but I'm too lazy to find it
So trying to get us out of a giant mess caused by debt, by getting into loads more debt is a good idea?
Well, all my economist friends tell me you gotta spend your way through a recession. Even the Americans now have a left-wing President who's planning to spend billions getting their economy back on track, so if the U.K. votes in a Conservative government in the middle of a recession you'll be officially the most arse-backwards nation on the globe! :p
Gordon Brown is a boring, uncharismatic leader, and he probably shares a lot of the blame for causing the current economic crisis, but the measures he's taken to deal with it have been dynamic, decisive, and probably cushioned the blow for a lot of people who would've lost their jobs/savings otherwise. He's not great but he's the best you've got right now.
And his measures have had no effect, none of the measures any of the world leaders have taken have had any effect.

No-one has a clue what we need to do.
I find it hilarious that some people think that as soon as the conservatives get in power everything will be fine, what are they going to do, the policy about savings was a joke, people who save their money shouldn't be granted extra interest just because they have saved up, you cant take your money when die, the Tories could make up any excuse to raise taxes cut funding and just blame in on labour,
And his measures have had no effect, none of the measures any of the world leaders have taken have had any effect.

No-one has a clue what we need to do.

The thing about these kind of crises is that you don't notice an effect if someone does something right - you only notice the **** hitting the fan if someone does something WRONG. Considering how reliant the City is on American investment firms, I think overall the UK could have been a lot worse-off had it not been for a few correct emergency measures both there and here in the last 6 months.
Sure you would notice if something is done right, things will fix themselves, banks will stop being tight ******** and so on
Labour = Good ideas, poor leader, poor cabinet.
Tories = Crap ideas, very, very poor leader.

What, they haven't had a good idea this century..
yes the soon the better, the longer labour stay in power, the worse this recession will be.

Tories by no way perfect, none of the partys are. But they our a damn site better than labour. Who has just screwed everyone and everything.
Labour will carry on what they have been doing since elected - ****ing up our once great nation.

The Tories will get re-elected by a landslide, and then get extremely unpopular resolving all of the **** Labour has got us into.

Labour will then get re-elected and it will start all over again.

Spain here I come.
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