Should Gordon call an election this year?

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Wait what?

Spain, they are doing terrible, what with the europe level with the pound, I can see a lot of business going bust as most of costal spain relies on tourism and Brits and Germans aint traveling.

So thats why I'm constantly badgered to go & work for my friend who's thriving business can't get enough drivers? (Murcia region)

Spain is not totally dependent on tourism, despite what many people think.

Tbh, its more the climate & culture that's drawing me there.
So thats why I'm constantly badgered to go & work for my friend who's thriving business can't get enough drivers? (Murcia region)

Spain is not totally dependent on tourism, despite what many people think.

Tbh, its more the climate & culture that's drawing me there.

So one company is doing well, that must reflect the whole of the country.
I'm a Labour supporter so would vote for Brown, I just fear the day Cameron wins and is in charge on this great country.

Is this really the best the Tories could come up with, a Tony Blair MK2 look alike? Every time he is on TV he seems so false, did anyone see Cameron on The One Show? It was clear that his PR had told him try to look normal and 'act down with the people', looked like a fish out of water!

I get the general feeling that people want Brown out more than they want Cameron in, could be a close election when it really comes down to marking the X on the ballot paper!
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I can only go by official figures, which are from 2007 unfortunately so a year out of date.

Germany 64.90
France 63.90
United Kingdom 43.60

Here are some IMF figures:,474,917,754,544,698,941&s=GGD_NGDP&grp=0&a=

France 65.191 67.468
Germany 76.379 76.994
United Kingdom 43.389 44.323

That's 08 and 09 estimates.

World bank do a similar list, but I'm too lazy to find it
As he said, those don't include PFI ;)
unless there is a miracle I can't see the Lib Dems challenging :p
Any other electoral system would have probably have made Lib Dems the kingmakers. Having one MP per constituency means that most seats aren't won by an absolute majority (to take a completely hypothetical instance, say in one constituency Labour gets 37%, Tories get 34% and Lib Dems get 29%, would result in Labour winning even though 63% of the voters don't want them), and this creates a tyranny of the minority WHOEVER wins any given election. Not that other electoral systems are perfect, but I think there's a massive amount of ill-will among the electorate towards its elected leaders that's due to a feeling of disenfranchisement.
At least it’s a reminder for the young ones on here just how badly labour did when last in power and the abysmal mess they left the finances in. No I don’t think the Tories could do any better it’s just a good thread to highlight both Labour and Tory are as bad as each other.

Reading the first page you do get that impression. So much has changed since then, yet now feels very similar.

I had a few leaflets through my door, Tory and Labour. Tory says contradictory blatant bs, Labour asks about local issues. Yet i have no idea of any local issues since all the national problems dwarf anything local or are the reason for the local problems.
Good to see my 15 year old thread revived :)

Also interesting to see how things have changed. The below was accurate at the time, but has now become:

Labour = Crap ideas, good leader, poor cabinet.
Tories = Crap ideas, very, very poor leader, poor cabinet.

Labour = Good ideas, poor leader, poor cabinet.
Tories = Crap ideas, very, very poor leader.
At least it’s a reminder for the young ones on here just how badly labour did when last in power and the abysmal mess they left the finances in. No I don’t think the Tories could do any better it’s just a good thread to highlight both Labour and Tory are as bad as each other.

Under the last Labour Government, the NHS approval rating was as its highest ever, the treatment waiting list didn't exist, homelessness was virtually eliminated. All this whilst going through the worst peacetime recession in history. There was no asylum backlog (they'd just solved the illegal migration issues with the lorries - sound familiar?).

So absolutely the country was better under Labour. And when the Tories stole Gordon Brown's plans they tacitly agreed.
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Reading the first page you do get that impression. So much has changed since then, yet now feels very similar.

Much more self inflicted this time around.

If anything this thread serves as a reminder that the Labour Party were probably on the right track on where to go next in 2010. In retrospect they also did a good job of mitigating the worst of the immediate risks posed by the financial crisis.

The austerity years flowed by Brexit were petrol on the fire.

I’m hard pushed to think of any period over the last 14 years where you could say the Tory party did a good job.

Absolute shambles
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