Should Gordon call an election this year?

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I should have my voting rights suspended for having the opinion that a leader should be voted in?

Pass the crazy pills please
Because Thatcher did far more than just war? NuLabor is resoundingly tame compared to Thatcher in terms of screwing over the general populace.
Of course she did. But you've quoted one thing I said out of context, when I was merely listing a few points in a GD thread.

I should have my voting rights suspended for having the opinion that a leader should be voted in?

Pass the crazy pills please
That isn't what he's advocating.

But what you are advocating is a complete overhaul to our political system. Whilst I don't necessarily disagree with you on this, it's an entirely different kettle of fish.
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yes, I am advocating at least a partial overhaul to our political system. That comment was part troll if I'm totally honest.
Labour will carry on what they have been doing since elected - ****ing up our once great nation.

The Tories will get re-elected by a landslide, and then get extremely unpopular resolving all of the **** Labour has got us into.

Labour will then get re-elected and it will start all over again.

Spain here I come.

Wait what?

Spain, they are doing terrible, what with the europe level with the pound, I can see a lot of business going bust as most of costal spain relies on tourism and Brits and Germans aint traveling.
In case you do not know - PM's in the UK have never been, voted in by the electorate. You vote for a party, who elect a leader. If they win he becomes PM.

Are you sure about that? Especially as you are ranting at people for not knowing how it works? :D
In British politics you vote for the party, not it's leader.

Thats not true, you vote for your local MP, have a look on the paper next time it won't say gordon brown or labour next to the box it will say Candidates name (Party Representing) if only people would look at the local issues and make there decisions based on this we might not have quite such a ridiculous state of affairs at Westminster. Nothing annoys me more than someone who always votes by party and always for the same one for no rason other than thats what they are!
Yes sorry, I wasn't clear; this is not the mentality of the voting public.

At large, I would say the British public vote for their party, which is why local issues often lose out in a general election. A growing element vote for the leader, as can be evidenced by Tony Blairs landslide.

Would we really want a move to the American system where they vote for a person, based largely on a ridiculously lavish budget akin to films and theatre?
I've always supported Blair's ideas up to the Iraq war, foundation hospitals and the crussade against private schools

What's wrong with private schools?

And isn't it the case that many labour ministers send there children to private/selective schools?
What's wrong with private schools?

And isn't it the case that many labour ministers send there children to private/selective schools?

Nothing is wrong with them, that's my point.

Labour and Blair policies however were were anti-private school.
So the question is, should he call an election this year?

Brown knows if he calls an election he'll probably lose so he's holding out for either a miracle or that the public will dissasociate him with the credit crunch by next year.

He's a complete ****** and NWO puppet.

Strange how keeps banging on about the economic downturn being a global problem and something out of his control yet the when the same global forces where in his favour for 10 years of economic boom he had everyone believe it was all solely down to him as chanceller.
Would we really want a move to the American system where they vote for a person, based largely on a ridiculously lavish budget akin to films and theatre?

Yes, but only because of good old British cynicism and a sense of apathy to advertising. If one candidate was on TV constantly, or you had canvassers constantly ringing you, I think the Average joe in this country would end up voting for someone else. In Blair and Thatcher we had two very Presidential style leaders anyway. Yes they had their ministers, but they were the ones who set the agenda. Could most people name 5 members of the cabinet or shadow cabinet. I know I could because I take an interest in it but your average member of the public would get 3 if they were lucky.

Anyways, if we did have presidential elections, Boris would win. He's the only politician in this country that people truly love (apart from the residents of portsmouth and liverpool, obviously).
Wait what?

Spain, they are doing terrible, what with the europe level with the pound, I can see a lot of business going bust as most of costal spain relies on tourism and Brits and Germans aint traveling.

How do you know he was talking about the economy? Labours ruined everything, not just the economy.
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