Should I or Should I Not

OK, I stand corrected (that wasn't clear from your post). You'll notice a bigger difference going from your laptop to the first iMac you mentioned than between the two iMac models. Stick with your original plan.
OK, I stand corrected (that wasn't clear from your post). You'll notice a bigger difference going from your laptop to the first iMac you mentioned than between the two iMac models. Stick with your original plan.

Cheers mate, Sorry for not being clear on what I wanted to know.

So iMac 24" 2.66 here we come :)
As said in previous emails! :p

Here's where i stand;

Monitor - If you went this route it would be cheaper, it'll get the job done and the MBP is more than powerful enough to do the work (Aperture is a hog though!)'ll always be thinking, argh, should have put this money into a new computer and you'll of wished you got an iMac! :p

iMac - I would recommend the iMac with the GT120 in at the very least. It'll make aperture run better because of it and in my opinion the 9400m is absolute junk and i can't believe they are putting it into the iMac, the previous gen one had a better bottom end graphics chip. The screen is great and it'll be great if used in conjunction with the MBP (if you keep it that is). My X1600 in my old MBP 17" is way better than the 9400m.

Hope this helps...again! :p
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Like the original poster, I’m also considering getting an imac and currently have a macbook.

I understand I can use time machine to set up the new imac to be identical to my macbook. Anyone tried this? I assume it will transfer all programs, settings, files, music in itunes and photos in iphoto? What happens with ipods synched to the macbook? I also have all my iphotos albums synched with my mobileme gallery – will they subsequently synch with the imac?

Any other suggestions?

I have been to the apple store today and have decided on the iMac 2.98 if I get one. As at the moment I have come home with a 24" External Monitor a Samsung T240 to see if I rather get a external than splashing out on a iMac. But I am finding trouble of getting the 2 screen to look the same not sure if this impossible but have started a new thread on this.

But till i know more about what to expect from the external if it not meeting what i like then a iMac 2.98 is in on the list.
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