Should Prostitution Be legalised in the UK

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Originally posted by dustbinladen
I wouldnt Object:) Saves trekking to Amsterdam.

heh, Well.......

If it provides safety to the girls/men involved and in some way and can be licensed in the UK, then possibly it could be looked at. The trouble is however, prostitution goes on now even though it is illegal in this country and often it is the girls that are neglected, vulnerable and addicted to narcotics that partake in these activities. So if it meant these girls breaking free from this then sure legalise it, but in reality will it? It will more likely end up with the nasty man getting rich and still girls/men getting exploited. Lets face it would you like a brothel opened in your street? How would you like your sister joining the legal and legitimate trade of being a prostitute?
the problem will never go away, as said in the above post, legalising it will at least make it safer for those involved
It's the oldest profession in the world, but I wouldn't agree with legalising it at all.

If you need to get laid, get down your local club. Easy and free :)
Where I lived last year prostitution was legal, or it seemed that way. I lived opposite a building full to the brim of hookers and their junkie scum 'boyfriends'. The police station was pretty much on the same street. Nothing was ever don about the hookers.

I don't think it should be legalised, running away from the issue by legalising things isn't the answer, what next, legalise murder?! ;) I think sex crimes in Britain are a problem being generally ignored. I'd go the other way and introduce regional sex crime squads, these would be specialists in rape, paedophilia, down to prostituition, similar maybe to the task forces employed in Amsterdam...
Originally posted by Gilly
It's the oldest profession in the world, but I wouldn't agree with legalising it at all.

If you need to get laid, get down your local club. Easy and free :)

Err.. Not as easy as that sometimes. Not all girls are easy..

Anyhow, you have to ask yourself, would you pay for sex? Prostitution is, to be straightforward a service Woman / Men offer for those in need / want / casual sex or to be felt wanted.

It's the seedy background, such as pimps, drugs and disease that has made it un-welcome in many parts of the world.

I'm very open minded, and if a person wants to purchase sex, and a person is prepared to except money for this service, then I see no problems with the theory.

It's the underworld I don't agree with. Why should one person make fortunes from women that are desperate in life for money. So they can fund gun crime, or drugs or whatever it is they do with the money they earn from these poor women.

Not to say that some of the woman are clean from drugs etc..

If it were legalised, it might be better controlled. Cleaner, safe drug free houses, and if legalised a scheme to test all Girls / Men could be set up. Not on the NHS, as they are overworked as it is.. However, a card system could be introduced, to demonstrate a working girl is cleared for her / his line of work.

I could go on, but it will never happen, and will remain outlawed for years to come, as it has in the past..

I, for the record do not agree with any underaged prostituition, or forced prostituition. It has to be completely Consensual by all partys, and they must be over 18. 16 - 17 year olds being used for this line of work isn't right... No matter now mature the gilr may be.
Prostitution is already perfectly legal,its just do gooders that moan about it,the only prostitution thats illegal is street crawlers.

If you decide to prostitute yourself from your house,no problem,quiet a lot of women do this for the money it provides,however it can become illegal if it becomes a brothel,you can get in the **** then.
May i add that you talk with a few peeps in the know and youll find quiet a few massage parlours possibly near you that dont just do massage NUDGE NUDGE WINK WINK,
in fact some of them have nothing massage about them at all.
Bout £50 for half hour :D
Originally posted by mickbench
It's the underworld I don't agree with. Why should one person make fortunes from women that are desperate in life for money.

It's all business. Our bosses make lots of money from us and pay us little in return. I'm desperate for more money :)

A lot of the prostitues make good money, prob more than most of us. Atleast if it was legalised they, including the pimps, would have to pay taxes and national insurance. We won't have to pick up all the bill when they end up in clinics with drug addiction or unwanted pregnancies.

Legalise it. It will get them into proper premises and clean up the streets. I wouldn't feel comfortable paying for sex, but if someone else wants to let them.

If someone has a sexual fantasy they want to act out, its better they do it with a prostitute than rape some poor girl.

Can see myself now, flicking through the yellow pages seeing what services my local brothel offer :)
Mick, I didn't say all women were easy, but if you are desperate enough to PAY for sex, then you're also desperate enough to walk up to random women and talk to them.

I believe it is far easy and safer to get laid free than to pay (thouhg I have never paid, and I haven't been with the 'easy' women of which I speak, I am merely speaking of those which I see when I am out, copping with the ugliest guy in the world ;) )
Originally posted by Gilly
Mick, I didn't say all women were easy, but if you are desperate enough to PAY for sex, then you're also desperate enough to walk up to random women and talk to them.

I believe it is far easy and safer to get laid free than to pay (thouhg I have never paid, and I haven't been with the 'easy' women of which I speak, I am merely speaking of those which I see when I am out, copping with the ugliest guy in the world ;) )

Depends,you could have enough CONFIDENCE to go to a prostitute cos you know what youre gonna get and theres no rejection.

Also its pretty much without consequence,i mean you do it and thats the end of it.

Work out how much it might cost you for all the drinks,food and messing about and its understandable why if your psychology is "hey no girlfriend,no messing about i just want the sex"
no messing,no excess baggage,no dating or stupid chit chat its just stripped down to the basics and what you want.

Its really a case of what YOU want,if you wanna pay,well it can be as little as a phone call away,there are online escort sites,pick a women set up as an appointment and they send one to your house.
Originally posted by Gilly
Seems very sad to me

Well thats you,i dont see the big deal,if it were properly legalised and set up properly itd actually be cheaper,safer and all that,in fact it could be set up like clubs where meals,drinks etc are included in the price.

Integrate it into a system,a commercial system.
Basically take it away from dangerous hands and have it out in the open instead of hiding somewhere all underground and low.

Be nothing sad about that mate i can tell ya,teenage pregnancy will drop to its lowest level,abortion clinics wont be visited as often,sex will no longer be a taboo subject,thats one of the major issues,but if its commercial that will end.
Yes it is me, and no matter how much you spout about how you think it's great, I don't.

I think working harder to completely stop it is better than having it out in the open.
Without consequence going to a prostitute? I don't think so, the fact is most will conduct acts with several customers a night, not only is this utterly minging but they're spreading STIs and in the extreme HIV.

Prostitutes are very cheap, dirty and I can't honestly see how anyone can gain satisfaction from such a situation. Further more I'd find it hard to swallow if we got to a stage where girls actually saw prostitution as an acceptible source of income. How'd you like it if your (future) girlfriend decided to pay her way through college or university by having sex with a few hundred/thousand people?

Though I must admit, I think sex should be far more of a taboo subject. Kids grow up with sex thrust down their throats these days, on tv and in magazines. The idea that making pay-sex legal would do anything good for society doesn't fit as far as I'm concerned.
Prostitution is legalised in the form of massage parlours and call girls who freely advertise in local newspapers and sex mags. However you take a 16 year old runaway from home, who is probably being abused there by father/stepfather/boyfriend/brother or whatever. She runs away from home and is forced to live on the streets in the bitter cold or rain. Either that or she goes into street prostitution and all the dangers that go with it. Local councils/society is to blame for not providing adequate housing to such youngsters. The temptation to earn easy money would still be there, though. The police don't have the resources to monitor the pimps who are often violent towards their girls. If you dared to encroach on another girl's patch and didn't have a pimp to protect you, you'd end up in the gutter very quick.

Prostitution will not magically go away no matter how much you try and police it. Bear in mind that many in the legal profession and politicians are into it, especially BDSM. They don't want it to go away, and it's them that make the rooleys. Pornographic magazines are filled to overflowing with runaways and students who want the extra cash. It's easy money. What difference is there to showing your boobs on Page 3 to showing all in a magazine for good dosh? You don't need to be b00tiful or even be photogenic. Making it go underground breeds pimps and uncontrolled, risky sex.

In Hong Kong prostitution is legalised and the prostitutes are required to carry a card around with them.
Originally posted by Gilly
If you need to get laid, get down your local club. Easy and free :)

I spot someone who's just spent a weekend in Newcastle clubs :D

Personally I think that it should be legalised, if it can be regulated in some way it has to be a lot better than the current situation.
As former candidate for The Party Party, i fully support legalisation of prostitution. Brothels will be required to pay tax and charge VAT on services they sell, and prostitutes would need proper licence. The money gained from these extra taxes could be put into schools and the NHS.
Originally posted by Gilly
Mick, I didn't say all women were easy, but if you are desperate enough to PAY for sex, then you're also desperate enough to walk up to random women and talk to them.

I believe it is far easy and safer to get laid free than to pay (thouhg I have never paid, and I haven't been with the 'easy' women of which I speak, I am merely speaking of those which I see when I am out, copping with the ugliest guy in the world ;) )

It's not about being desperate for sex.. a lot of men who use prostitutes have a wife / girlfriend and a regular sex life.

I think it should be fully legalised, it would protect both parties and the income could be taxed - I don't see any harm in it personally. Keeping it in the shadows is what makes it a problem at the moment.
Ofcourse it should be legalised.. along with other victimless crimes e.g. drugs

If someone wants to sell their body, fine. If someone wants to buy sex fine. I don't see how it is the business of society to determin what people can and cannot do in a situation that does not involve coercion.

All it does is highlight the staggering ignorance, biggotry, prejudice and hypocrisy in a falsely claimed 'tolerant' society we have in Britain today.
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