Should Prostitution Be legalised in the UK

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Originally posted by DOOM
May i add that you talk with a few peeps in the know and youll find quiet a few massage parlours possibly near you that dont just do massage NUDGE NUDGE WINK WINK,
in fact some of them have nothing massage about them at all.
Bout £50 for half hour :D

There must be 10 of these within 1/2 an hours walk of my flat, haven't frequented one yet though as girlfriend isn't convinced about their 'theraputic' benefits.
Originally posted by dirtydog
It's not about being desperate for sex.. a lot of men who use prostitutes have a wife / girlfriend and a regular sex life.

I think it should be fully legalised, it would protect both parties and the income could be taxed - I don't see any harm in it personally. Keeping it in the shadows is what makes it a problem at the moment.

And you think something should be made legal whereby someone can pay for sex behind their partner's/spouse's back? What do you think that would do to the divorce rate? Still think it would be good for society?

Originally posted by r1cko
Ofcourse it should be legalised.. along with other victimless crimes e.g. drugs

If someone wants to sell their body, fine. If someone wants to buy sex fine. I don't see how it is the business of society to determin what people can and cannot do in a situation that does not involve coercion.

All it does is highlight the staggering ignorance, biggotry, prejudice and hypocrisy in a falsely claimed 'tolerant' society we have in Britain today.

Worst. Post. Ever.

Firstly, there are arguments for and against in this thread, so who are you to say 'of course it should be legalised'?

You also want to legalise drug taking? Are you purposely trying to drag our country into the gutter?

The highlights you mention in the third paragraph of your post are all present within your post - not within those of us that do not wish to see our country go down the pan. Quite frankly I was offended by your post.
Originally posted by Gilly
And you think something should be made legal whereby someone can pay for sex behind their partner's/spouse's back? What do you think that would do to the divorce rate? Still think it would be good for society?

Divorce is bad?

There is no reason why a failing relationship should be forced to stay together - divorce is there when things just don't work anymore. It has nothing to do with prostitution.

Choosing to go and see a prostitute is a personal choice, it shouldn't be anyone else's.
Originally posted by daz
Divorce is bad?

You don't think it is?

Originally posted by daz
There is no reason why a failing relationship should be forced to stay together - divorce is there when things just don't work anymore. It has nothing to do with prostitution.

Choosing to go and see a prostitute is a personal choice, it shouldn't be anyone else's.

I assume you mean the decision is being made by society rather than the individual?

What about that individual's spouse?

I'm not going to keep arguing this one until someone in power starts making noises about it, because it isn't legal and it isn't going to be. I don't want to live in a more immoral society than I already do.

I've got an idea, why don't we just legalise it in London?
Prostitution is near as dammit legalised now, I don't honestly think legalising it would have much effect on the industry, the clients or society.

It would however enable us to have a more in depth public debate about modern relationships, peoples attitudes towards sex and the trust/sex/friendship side of our lives. This is currently prohibitted because the 'its illegal thefore its wrong argument' is believed my the vast majority of the generally law obiding public.
Originally posted by Gilly
Worst. Post. Ever.

Firstly, there are arguments for and against in this thread, so who are you to say 'of course it should be legalised'?

You also want to legalise drug taking? Are you purposely trying to drag our country into the gutter?

The highlights you mention in the third paragraph of your post are all present within your post - not within those of us that do not wish to see our country go down the pan. Quite frankly I was offended by your post.

I can say what I want because I'm a freely thinking individual that firstly believes in individual rights and, secondly, wants people to live their lives as they see fit and not how a herd of braindead dopes known as 'society' do.

I am able to think clearly without prejudice and emotion to blur the situation.

You have already displayed ignorance, by assuming that legalised drug use would some how drag 'our' country into the gutter. Well I do wonder how you did come to such a conclusion because it clearly runs in complete opposition to what happens in Holland, where both members of society are protected and those that have a drug addiction / take satisfaction from drugs know they can do it in safe places with clean, industry produced substances.

.. Where as now the only way people can get hold of drugs is through dodgy shady people, using substances that they don't know are completely clean and in a way that forces them to be anti-social (theft) to fund their consumption.

The rest of your post is emotional garbage that is effecting your ability to think clearly given the situation.

I'm sorry that you are offended..
Originally posted by Gilly
And you think something should be made legal whereby someone can pay for sex behind their partner's/spouse's back? What do you think that would do to the divorce rate? Still think it would be good for society?

It's happening now - and if a man doesn't go to a prostitute only because it's illegal, it doesn't say much for the relationship in the first place.

I have personally never used one and if they became legal (or 'fully' legal, seeing as they are legal already) it wouldn't make me any more inclined to.
Yeah Gilly, you're just ignorant, a bigot... how ****** ******* dare you have such ethics?! :mad::rolleyes:

Come on, firstly the police aren't unable to control prostitution, they're unwilling, it's rife in areas of some cities and the police do squat. Secondly, would you want your wife, daughter, girlfriend, sister, doing this 'job', no thought not, but I suppose it's okay, so long as the girls "know what they're doing", let me ask, how many hookers even know how to tie their own shoe laces?

And just think, if brothels were legal, the owners could ship girls in by the dozen, each getting a visa straight away for having a job waiting for them...
Holland and Germany both have legallised brothels. All of the "Girls" are checked for all STi's including HIV every 3 months. They all pay Normal tax. And they are all in purpose built brothels that look like an industrial unit from the outside. (Amsterdam's Canal steet area is the exception)

There is no-one forcing the "girls" into it. it is stictly enforced by the authoritys, and all is happy.

Also the level of reported sex crimes in these two coutries is substantially lower than it is in the UK, with out represive and draconian laws that date back to the dark ages.

And all of the "Girls" in the German brothels are well Fit ;)
Originally posted by silverpaw
Yeah Gilly, you're just ignorant, a bigot... how ****** ******* dare you have such ethics?! :mad::rolleyes:

Come on, firstly the police aren't unable to control prostitution, they're unwilling, it's rife in areas of some cities and the police do squat. Secondly, would you want your wife, daughter, girlfriend, sister, doing this 'job', no thought not, but I suppose it's okay, so long as the girls "know what they're doing", let me ask, how many hookers even know how to tie their own shoe laces?

And just think, if brothels were legal, the owners could ship girls in by the dozen, each getting a visa straight away for having a job waiting for them...

You're blowing wind out your buttocks.. completely overcome with emotion it's clear you're unable to make a rational and sensible decission on the matter.

Again, a common theme in these uninformed posts is a whole string of assertions pulled out of a magic hat..

Girls cant tie their shoe laces? Gonna ship in a load of totty from abroad? This is waffle to cover up for the lack of an argument you have..

What crystal ball do you use I'd like to get my own..
Originally posted by silverpaw
Come on, firstly the police aren't unable to control prostitution, they're unwilling, it's rife in areas of some cities and the police do squat. Secondly, would you want your wife, daughter, girlfriend, sister, doing this 'job', no thought not, but I suppose it's okay, so long as the girls "know what they're doing", let me ask, how many hookers even know how to tie their own shoe laces?

What do you mean how many hookers can tie their own shoe laces? I don't understand that.. do you mean they are all retards or something :confused:

Why do you think that just because it became fully legalised, girls which at the moment are not prostitutes will suddenly decide to take it up as a career? But regardless.. for those girls that do.. so what? Where is the problem.. I don't see one. And the pay is damn good ;)

No offence but you seem to have hang-ups about sex and have a very puritan attitude towards it. That's fine but it shouldn't be forced on everyone else.

I have to be honest here, absolutely everybody is entitled to their own opinion and not try to ram it down everbodys throat, It does'nt validate the point you are trying to make. I dont like it with all this name calling which is uncalled for, say something constructive or just dont bother saying anything at all.

With regards to the actualy post I think it would be a good thing to legalise prostitution, this isnt because I agree with prostitution but from the country's who have it regalised it seems to be run in a more open clean environment and at least this country would then benefit from the taxes of said industry.

With regards to people who have husbands, boyfriends ext; who frequent the brothels, at least they use protection here so you dont catch anything nasty. I dont know how many people have given their partner diseases ext because of one night stands and no protection, this includes unborn children damaged because of it. For the men who are going to cheat anyway I think it can only be of benefit. However, unfortunately there are men out there who think they are invincible to vd, so it may not make a lot of difference to them anyway.
Originally posted by dirtydog
What do you mean how many hookers can tie their own shoe laces? I don't understand that.. do you mean they are all retards or something :confused:

Why do you think that just because it became fully legalised, girls which at the moment are not prostitutes will suddenly decide to take it up as a career? But regardless.. for those girls that do.. so what? Where is the problem.. I don't see one. And the pay is damn good ;)

No offence but you seem to have hang-ups about sex and have a very puritan attitude towards it. That's fine but it shouldn't be forced on everyone else.
Is a "puritan attitude" a hang up? Is being as open about sex as society is getting, a good thing? This concept that the worlds social progression must mean devolving the ethics and policies we've built and defended for thousands of years, is absolute tosh.

You know very well I'm not suggesting prostitutes are retarded, you and I both know, maybe me more than you since I've known a few in my time, that most prostitutes are forced into it under the influence of druggie boyfriend/pimps, many are runaways in desperate situations many of us sitting at out PC's couldn't comprehend. Few if any prostitutes sit down, think about it, and even consider it as a career option, very few, if any, are in control of their lives, let alone work.

r1cko, you're welcome to disagree with my points but atleast try and think of a reason rather than pontificate. Girls are brought from abroad and forced into the underground sex trade now, of course if 'business men' can do the same legitimately they will.
I'm all for legalising prostitution, but at the same time I don't want it on my doorstep and neither does anyone else. The argument about decieving your wife is a weak one; married couples often decieve their partners, whether it be prostitution or otherwise. Just because you're married doesn't necessarily mean you have a good sexual relationship. Many women become frigid and develope "headaches" once kiddies come along. As long as it was kept away from city centres and housing estates it wouldn't bother me. Far better than having kerb crawlers and potential Yorkshire Rippers driving around your neighbourhood at all times of day and night. Stick the brothels on trading estates with a large car park and make use of the empty units which always abound on them.

A lot of crime is committed by those who abuse drugs, especially mugging and housebreaking. There's no magic wand which would make it simply dissappear, so why not do as they do in Amsterdam if it's working there? Anything that reduces crime can't be a bad thing, surely? If they want to sniff the hard stuff that's okay by me as long as they don't bother me. It would put an end to drug dealers wandering the streets peddling their wares and keep them away from the schoolkids. Part of the attraction with trying drugs in the first place is because it's illegal. Curiosity killed the cat.
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