should WoW be this boring? any helpful tips to newb?

Only still playing as theres nothing better atm,

Hopefully Vangaurd will be my new home, as long as SOE are gonna be marketing it only, wouldn't trust them with developing.
Semiskimmed said:
well all this moaning and stuff ive been doing, hasnt really helped me but its starting to click in now lol.
ive just ordered the full game :D
does anyone deffinately know if the retail game can be used to activate the trial account AND get the 30 days with it?

I don't know the answer to your question, although you will find that if you have to re-start, you will level more quickly once you've done quests once and know where to find people.
As a warrior, you should be picking up "mail" items, and selling any cloth or leather. Once you start to find green things, look for +strength or +stamina.
A quick run-down of stats for you:
Strength - increases how hard you hit (warrior, feral druid, paladin, shaman)
Stamina - +10 health per 1 stamina
Intellect - +5 mana per 1 intellect (mage, priest, hunter, casting druid or shaman)
Agility - increases how hard arrows/bullets/rogue thrown weapons hit and chance of a critical hit (rogue, hunter, warrior, feral druid)
Spirit - increases regeneration of health and mana outside battle (healers rely on it).

I think that's all of them. Obviously each class has to prioritise, as most items will only have 2 stats on them. Green items are named "<name>of the<animal name>". You'll learn after a while which "of the" you want. I only know eagle (sta/int) and falcon (agi/int) as I have casters and a hunter ;).
Locrian said:
I played WoW up to the mid 40s level and i stopped because it just became ever more dull the higher up you go. Questing to level is fun at first, but then all the quests just become the same. Kill this, get that, talk to him. At the end of the day, its nothing more than a grind MMORPG, with terrible blocky graphics.
The only thing you got right was the terrible blocky graphics :D
kola said:
The only thing you got right was the terrible blocky graphics :D

i actually love the graphics, they may be blocky but the use of colour is fantastic. Some parts of the game are stunning at sunset/dawn etc

Buying stuff at AH will be difficult for your right now, maybe if u find a guild they could help you out with stuff, but dont join and start begging cos that wont go down well :) what server are u on?

dying a lot as a warrior seems strange cos its bloody hard to die with so much armor. Kill stuff 2 lvls below yourself. Look for groups a lot when u find difficulty. Once u get the idea of whats what levelling isnt hard. its just a bit dull at times. I can lvl to 20 or so in around 24hrs. afterwards it gets slower
AH = Auction House. Used to buy and sell in-game items and materials. Located in all major cities now.

Arie Peak is a place in the Hinterlands but is also the name of a Server.
means you cannot resell it to another player once you have used it. You can remove it and sell it to a shopkeeper but the item becomes non tradeable to other players and the aution house. Item are either BoP meaning bind on pickup, ie as soon as your char picks it up its is then soulbound ( stuck to you ) and all you can do to get rid of it is destroy it or sell it to a vendor, or BoE ( bind on equip ) meaning the same happens but only once u have USED it.

Most high end items ( blue ) after level 50ish tend to be BoP. There are however many BoE items that are blue and purple ( epic ) too.
Sorry for the thread hijack.

I've been playing and i've currently got a level 37 Druid on Arathor and I too have started wondering when this game is going to get any fun. All I seem to do is quest, quest, SM instance and more quests. Is it really going to take me much longer to get to 60 because that seems to be when this game actually becomes fun
MiGSY said:
You've based your judgement of the game entirely on those first twelve levels which constitute a minute proportion of the overall content? Oh dear.

Considering how long it takes to get through those 12 levels i think it's a pretty fair time to make judgement.

WOW is initially fun but then you realise it's all the same stuff just with different characters in different locations.

Boring as. Would never pay for it.
Tried&Tested said:
WOW is initially fun but then you realise it's all the same stuff just with different characters in different locations.

I guess you could apply the same senseless logic to any game really. Half Life 2, it's all the same, just different enemies and locations. <Insert Racing Game>, it's all the same, just different cars and tracks.
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MiGSY said:
I guess you could apply the same senseless logic to any game really. Half Life 2, it's all the same, just different enemies and locations. <Insert Racing Game>, it's all the same, just different cars and tracks.

Senseless? Nice. Why?..just because you don't agree. :rolleyes:

HL2 has a great story, characters and seems to create a world you could relate to - you actually care about the outcome. Racing games are different each time you play; different finishing positions, crashes, manouveres, tactics - a world more fun than 'grinding' on WoW.

WoW seems to be pickup quest, go to character, kill beastie, buy pointless new armour or weapons. Repeat until bored.
Semiskimmed said:
fancy telling me some of the ways it gets more fun then at lvl 60?

When you reach level 60, you will have two paths you can take if you want to continue playing - PvP and PvE. With either, you really need to play a lot to see any kind of reward, so many casual players actually find end game more limiting than leveling.
With PvP, you group with other people (in your case other Horde), to fight the other side (so Alliance). At the moment this is mainly done in battle grounds, which are zones that only take a certain number of players of each faction. The next patch is bringing out world pvp though, where you fight to capture towers in certain high level "contested" areas.
If you decide to go PvE, you will need to get into a guild with at least 39 other players. You would then go into raid instances (raid = group bigger than 5 people), where no-one but your raid can enter a specific area or touch the bosses. These instances save which bosses you have killed, but they re-set once a week. This means you need to raid several times a week, or progress will be slow.
Molton Core is the easiest of the four raid instances, and rushing through it would take my guild over 4 hours, and that is around 6 months after the first time they killed the final boss. So a raid will always take quite a lot of time!
blimey so theres not much scope then at the end of levelling to enjoy it anymore basically? i could probably do about 4 hours each day in the future so i doubt ill be playing it very long then :(
Semiskimmed said:
is this once at lvl 60?
just got invited to a guild tonight actually :)

There is a lot to do at 60, you just need the time to do it!
Guilds are great for all levels. It gives you people to do harder quests with, and also some friends to chat to while you're playing.
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