should WoW be this boring? any helpful tips to newb?

I think there will always be a clash here. There are those who want epics, and to be part of huge raids, then there are the people who want adventure and exploration. Sure, it can be fun at 60, but I found it dull.

I wanted new, exciting places and it runs out of those pretty quick. I had a good guild, but in the end it was the lack of imagination in the instances that got to me.
When I finally got to 60 after hearing everyones comments like "the game starts at 60" im actually dissapointed. The only thing left to do in the game is raid instances to get epics and then show them off in cities, thats about it. BG is kinda boring when youve done it so many times.
You can enjoy it if you are in a large active guild with end game instances etc. Only problem there is you have to base your life around it. Be here at this time etc. Dont turn up and you get bad rep/cant get loot. Kinda gets boring after a while.
celliott said:
You can enjoy it if you are in a large active guild with end game instances etc. Only problem there is you have to base your life around it. Be here at this time etc. Dont turn up and you get bad rep/cant get loot. Kinda gets boring after a while.

That's pretty much why I stopped playing on Frostmane. One week I changed my shifts so I was working early (which I hate), so I could be online and ready to play at 7pm. I realised that was pretty pathetic, and I shouldn't organising my ilfe around a game, but a game around my life. Unfortunately, the guild was full of kids and people whose social life was an "online" boyfriend/girlfriend.
Semiskimmed said:
so theres no chance a casual gamer can enjoy this game then once at level 60, is that right?


Well not exactly correct but the way the game is designed and the people it attracts, you are right yes.

Vixen said:
That's pretty much why I stopped playing on Frostmane. One week I changed my shifts so I was working early (which I hate), so I could be online and ready to play at 7pm. I realised that was pretty pathetic, and I shouldn't organising my ilfe around a game, but a game around my life. Unfortunately, the guild was full of kids and people whose social life was an "online" boyfriend/girlfriend.

Which is pretty much a version of what i said before. I work shifts too. Working nights means i miss raids, try telling a guild full of 16 year olds that have never seen a female, dont have a mortgage, or job. That work comes first.
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I find the game fun playing with my mates - all 5 of us on Skype doing Scholo, Strat etc used to be quite a laugh. However, once you've done it 3-4 times, its just boring.

We're doing MC runs now, which bores me to tears. I want to start afresh, all 5 of us starting new characters, maybe on PvP but they're too wrapped up in the 'phat lewt' as its come to be called.

TBH though, there is no way I would ever play this game with randoms off the net, or level solo. It just incredibly boring on your own, and randoms are usually only in it for themselves.

I had way more fun in CoH than I've ever had in WoW.
I dont think anyone would disagree that 40man bosses are fun.

I still maintain that you have to throw your life at it to get to anywhere near that level. Guilds that are on Naxx arnt going to accept part-timers. Finding and getting in to a guild doing Naxx is going to be nigh on impossible unless you was in the guild from the beginning, and if you was in the guild from the beginning chances are it will have folded post MC, thereby consigning months of work into a virtual dustbin.
youre putting me off it now, i placed an order at the weekend for the retail game and im having 2nd thoughts because of this thing about having to rotate life around a video game and play for so many hours each week.
only reason ive been on so long this week is due to not being busy, i cant see me playing for this long any other week tbh either.
so final verdict then, shall i return the game when i get it through or just carry the account on in the hope of finding a fairly laid back guild?
Semiskimmed said:
youre putting me off it now, i placed an order at the weekend for the retail game and im having 2nd thoughts because of this thing about having to rotate life around a video game and play for so many hours each week.
only reason ive been on so long this week is due to not being busy, i cant see me playing for this long any other week tbh either.
so final verdict then, shall i return the game when i get it through or just carry the account on in the hope of finding a fairly laid back guild?

Don't worry about it! There are plenty of laid back guilds in the game, and if you play as different class/race combinations, you'll see different things. Even playing as an undead mage compared to an undead priest was completely different to me.

My boyfriend has had the game since the day after it was released, and has only ever had about 2 months away from it. He has always had a couple of characters on the go, which means more to do, and it took quite a while to get his last character to 60 as he doesn't play that much.
Play the game through to 60. Learn what the game is about. Then roll another character. The best fun I've had in the game is rolling a rogue as my 3rd character on pvp. Once you know where to go and the mechanics etc it really was the most fun character i've played. Ganking gnomes was :D

Got it to 55 decided to quit.
ive just started an undead priest and im very surprised at it being like a completely different game from my orc warrior. maybe there is life after levelling a character to 60 then :D
You mean rolling a new character and doing the same boring quests over and over again? Half the reason I feel people roll so many new characters is because they are bored with level 60.

I had 3 LvL 60's and had decent fun getting them to 60 although by the last character I had enough of the same quests. But the real issue is end game, unless your willing to sit infront of your PC solid for 4-5 hours doing the same raids over again hoping for a 1 in 100 drop rate for an item you want, then stay away. It's what killed the game for me.
but if you enjoy getting to 60 whats the problem? seems like your saying because maybe for casual gamers level 60 isnt that great, that you shouldnt play the game at all?
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