*** Show Off Your Apple Hardware ***

no i posted the wrong model number i dont know why :/ i got the 30ST+ i got it from amazon i did want the XL30 when i was purchasing but never could warrent the cost of it!..... if i had the choice id have a lacie

why have u got a huge screen above the monitor?


Is that the displayport output going to an external screen?

Looks real good that setup.
The new Mac Mini 2.26ghz, bought 4 hours ago! :D Have been away from Apple for 9 years and it feels good to be back! Switching it on, the startup sound remains the same, and reminds me of my childhood playing Spin doctor on the Mac Performa! LOL!


Cheers, she's a beauty, and she's fast!

Also, one Q about your setup - why don't you use your macbook pro at your desk (underneath the bookshelf?) then you'll be less prone to head banging :D

Mainly because I haven't sorted out getting longer cables. It is a bit awkward and the monitor is the main thing which is a bit of the stretch. I could get it to the corner of the desk but that is as far as it will go. :(

Anyway, thinking about a Mac Mini myself, they look great. :D
I'm guessing the drawer unit is able to switch sides?
I have the Mikael but its on its last legs, so looking for a replacement.
long time since i posted and will have to get some better photos up soon but here is my desk

macbook pro runs on middle screen as i use my laptop for work and internet stuff so it gets 2 screens.

gaming pc on the end screen so i can use msn or the internet and still play on games

will post photos of rest the of my flat when i clean up and take some good ones



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