*** Show Off Your Apple Hardware ***

I have the Time Capsule and I'm very surprised to hear you're having problems. It's the simplest router I've ever used. Btw mine has never got as hot as you are describing.

I'm guessing you probably have a faulty one or maybe your speakers are causing interference?

I can use it fine. In fact, it's a pleasure to use and work with through Airport. The problems I'm having are it runs hot and drops it's wireless connection. The wireless could be down to the speakers. But there's still the heat problem from a completely sealed unit containing an HDD and router/wireless parts. It's idling now and last backed up 30 minutes ago, but the underside is still warm to the touch. It doesn't get stupidly hot unless I'm doing HUGE backups or wiping the drive. The longer the drive is spun up in the Time Capsule, the hotter it gets. And I doubt mine is unique in that respect. Some people might just have never bothered feeling the unit when it's running the initial backup or wiping the drive. Some might think the temperature is perfectly acceptable during those processes. But as I mentioned, with the amount of them that failed and the number of complaints on Apples website and the internet, I'd say it's a spectacular case of form over function and drives or internal parts where dying due to over heating. I mean, my router downstairs is vented and still gets very hot just being a router. I can't imagine the temperature it would peak at if it was sealed and I was to run a drive in it at full tilt for a hour or so while I did a huge backup as well.
Nothing as fancy as you guys - I'm a windows/android man at heart, so my apple stuff was bought more as an experiment and is rarely used.
That said, I love both of them - macbook aluminium 2.4Ghz (same as 2008 MBP IIRC) and my iPhone 4 16GB.

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Not a great photo...but right to left:

2009 Mac Mini C2D something or other, 4Gb RAM, Crucial SSD, about 10Tb of storage via Firewire & USB
2010 Macbook Air 11.6" 4Gb/128Gb SSD
At the back 2011 17" Macbook Pro 8Gb/256Gb C300 SSD/1Tb SATA Hard Drive (no SuperDrive - OptiBay)
24" Cinema Display

Odd bits.... iPad 2, White iPhone 32Gb, iPod Classic, couple of DVD drives, Air SuperDrive, Trackpad...

Oh god. I now fully understand why I'm poor :eek:

Ha....Er, thanks. Will you be my bitch :D

Not sure how I ended up with so much Apple gear :confused: by stealth.

Oddly enough I spend all my days designing & documenting Windows based stuff - have yet to find a better platform to do that on...... Very odd.
The Time Capsule and SMK-88 are new. The Time Capsule, is an absolute pain in the arse. It regularly drops it's connection to the network, so wireless automatic backups fail and you have to manually backup. It also gets ridiculously hot, particularly when it runs the first initial backup of about 13Gb. Proof of form over function. It's no wonder people complained about these things dying regularly. The inside probably gets cooked. I fully expect to have to return it in a couple months due to hardware failure. I hope they update it with a vented one next.

The SMK-88 I got from a chap in America. So it's ANSI layout. But I don't mind ANSI. Much prefer it over ISO. It's the second version of the SMK-88 that features the media controls and FN key on the left and page up, page down, delete and help on the right. Prior to this, both the media controls and FN key were on the right as well. It uses cherry MX blues and is a delight to type on. There are things that annoy me about, but that's all going in my review on another forum I use when I've used it for a bit longer.

You'll be after a Topre next! Speakers needs stands too, cut down on desk reflections and all that. P.S your twitter is up and down like a wh*re's drawers.
You'll be after a Topre next! Speakers needs stands too, cut down on desk reflections and all that. P.S your twitter is up and down like a wh*re's drawers.

Topre is to expensive for me, even though I ***** a fortune on keyboards. If I can get a cheap second hand one, I might. Although I'm looking for a Happy Hacking 2 keyboard at the minute. And I have two KBC Pokers coming from China or Korea, whenever they get made and shipped. I'm not doing any audio work, so speaker stands aren't really needed. It's all just playback from itunes radio and spotify.

As for twitter. That's just a pain in the arse.
Topre is to expensive for me, even though I ***** a fortune on keyboards. If I can get a cheap second hand one, I might. Although I'm looking for a Happy Hacking 2 keyboard at the minute. And I have two KBC Pokers coming from China or Korea, whenever they get made and shipped. I'm not doing any audio work, so speaker stands aren't really needed. It's all just playback from itunes radio and spotify.

As for twitter. That's just a pain in the arse.

It's a sound quality ting! P.S this is Pauly if you didn't realise.
I know it's you. Only you could be so anal about sound quality. :p

Tis true. I'm just building my own speaker stands at the moment, each one =
4 concrete bricks (stacked 2x2)
Thick fabric wrap to keep them packed tightly together, avoid scratching the desk, and to look less ghetto
Auralex Mopads
10mm steel plate
Rubber mat

Basically I'm copying the Primacoustic Recoil Stabiliser stands which are £80 each, for far, far less for a pair, and raising the tweeters to ear level at the same time. The only catch is that I probably won't get the speakers I want (Focal CMS 50s) till summer. :(
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