*** Show Off Your Apple Hardware ***

My 2010 13" MBP 8GB Crucial ram, 128GB Crucial SSD.

15" MBP Sandybridge Quad i7 2GHz, 8GB Ram, Vertex 3 240GB SSD
2x 27" Thunderbolt Displays
16GB iPhone 4S
16GB iPad 2 3G

Funny thing is, I'm not really what you'd consider a fanboy, either. I just appreciate stuff that works.

15" MBP Sandybridge Quad i7 2GHz, 8GB Ram, Vertex 3 240GB SSD
2x 27" Thunderbolt Displays
16GB iPhone 4S
16GB iPad 2 3G

Funny thing is, I'm not really what you'd consider a fanboy, either. I just appreciate stuff that works.


That looks really nice setup! ;)

And i know EXACTLY what you mean when sou say that you "appreciate stuff that works". :)
15" MBP Sandybridge Quad i7 2GHz, 8GB Ram, Vertex 3 240GB SSD
2x 27" Thunderbolt Displays
16GB iPhone 4S
16GB iPad 2 3G

Funny thing is, I'm not really what you'd consider a fanboy, either. I just appreciate stuff that works.

It looks good, the just works comment is ironic considering the post you have about being unable to get the second display working.

However I now feel this may be user error.

Apple explicitly say not to connect thunderbolt devices until you have applied the Thunderbolt update. Whether the fix is a reinstall or just clear PRAM, I'm not sure - I'll find out tonight.
Here's my (rather bargains, £200!) Mac Pro (1,1). Not my first foray into the world of Apple, I've also got a rather ageing MacBook (2,1), and I've owned various iPods and iPhones too. But this is certainly one step above.


I've upgraded it a touch, with two Quad-Core Xeons (Incorrectly reported as 1.86GHz 1066FSB, as I've BSEL modded them so that they are now 2.33GHz and 1333FSB. Bootcamped Windows 7 reports them correctly, so I know all is well, and PowerFractal numbers confirm the real performance in OS X). It's also got 4 500GB HDD's in two RAID1 arrays (software unfortunately, no hardware RAID card in this one), 22GB of RAM (4x 4GB, 2x 2GB and 2x 1GB), a Radeon HD5770 1GB (PC version, flashed with EFI ROM), and I've also added the bluetooth and airport modules.


All in, I've spent around £325 on buying and upgrading the Mac Pro, which I feel is decent enough value!
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As I explained in someone else's "used mac" thread, I stumbled across this being sold by a company who have a few offices in our building at work. I offered them slightly above the Official Apple Reuse/Recycle pricing, and they accepted. :)
As I explained in someone else's "used mac" thread, I stumbled across this being sold by a company who have a few offices in our building at work. I offered them slightly above the Official Apple Reuse/Recycle pricing, and they accepted. :)

I'll take two!
I thought I might be onto a bargain when work had an ex-lease Mac Pro 1.1 that was going back. Enquired as to the price and they wanted £1000 for it with the 20" Cinema Display. Couldn't get them down below £800 so told 'em to bolt. Bunch of cheeky blighters - the lease agreement had been an absolute rip off!

If you find anymore, you know where to find me ;)
I thought I might be onto a bargain when work had an ex-lease Mac Pro 1.1 that was going back. Enquired as to the price and they wanted £1000 for it with the 20" Cinema Display. Couldn't get them down below £800 so told 'em to bolt. Bunch of cheeky blighters - the lease agreement had been an absolute rip off!

If you find anymore, you know where to find me ;)

Oh, if I'd have wanted the display the price jumped drastically. I was aiming to find myself an older Cinema HD display (G4 style, acrylic rather than aluminium), and mock up an ADC to DVI/USB/24v box (got all the bits to do so), but finding a decent 23" one, that isn't stupidly priced is quite hard.

So for now it will have to continue to live on my 24" Samsung 245B, which I should be wrapping in brushed aluminium vinyl this weekend. Will whack some pictures up (better quality ones, with a proper camera, rather than my phone) when it's done.
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