Pictures to follow, but our "Apple Empire" is now....
iPod Touch 3rd Generation 32GB
iPad 2 32GB Wifi
Mid 2010 13" Macbook Pro 7.1, P8800 2.66GHZ Core 2 Duo, 4GB RAM, 320GB HDD
2011 Mac Mini, i7 2.7GHZ, Radeon GFX, 4GB RAM, 500 GB HDD, External MBAir Superdrive - The lounge media centre and general mess around box
Apple TV2 - Bedroom HTPC Replacement
Wifi round the house and storage+backup - Apple Time Capsule 3TB (4th Gen)
Sound in the kitchen and wifi Extension- Apple Airport Express (2nd Gen)
Pretty impressive considering just a 18 months ago my Apple journey started with a second hand first gen Intel Mac Mini 1.6Ghz !
Time flies and all that.
Considering upgrading the MBP to a MBA son, and the Mac Mini will get an SSD and the RAM maxed out to prolong its life a bit more.
Bedroom ATV got upgraded to an ATV3 to push out 1080p to the new TV in there.
Airport Express has been swapped out for an Airport Extreme. In the new house that connects to the ADSL modem in the hall, and then this is wifi connected to the time capsule in the lounge, where the mac mini is cabled into it.
Both mine and my wifes phone contracts are up in the next few months, so I can see them both being swapped out to the new iPhone once it is announced.
Can't believe just how much happier I am using the apple stuff. I smash my face against my monitor all day long at work on Windows, and at home, its just fantastic.