Heres a bunch of pics I got from some other 800D show off threads.
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Anyone else have this problem? The top power connector didn't want to go in! Really annoying. I tried forcing it in but didn't want to break it.
Why dop these threads have to keep popping up! I want a 800D
Noticed the one above with the rad on top has no side window, ulness you can swap then tto the other side.
One of the nicest cases available, on an even footing with the TJ07 IMO.
Thanks mate~Some nice builds here guys, the two that stand out the most has to be Nem's and n1blo's though..
Nem's WC loop looks tops, and I especially like the white murdermod style sleeving in n1blos rig.
The no window panel can be purchased from corsair's store: - $19.99
That's actually pretty reasonable, $19, £17 or so for a panel. They should do more accessories!
@n1blo, did you sleeve your PSU's cables, or have you used extensions??