Show the lads your Silverstone cases




Damn that case is slick.
Whenever I go to b&q stores I always go to the tools section and think of tool porn, with these silverstone cases, it's like case porn.

I need to see a doctor (if anyone is stupid enough to take me as a subject)
the last two TJ07's are giving me a lot of ideas for mine

still in the preliminary stages of planning

[also waiting for a side panel from silverstone]
Did'nt know were to post,as its maybee an overclocking issue,but as its my new fortress causing issues i thought this thread might be ok.
anyway just got a new fortress becouse my old coolermaster centurion was not suplying proper airflow,but now i'm getting high idle temps of 46 degrees and load 68 with my e6600 @3200 . Before with my old case they were about 42 and 65 load and this is with a artic cooler freezer7 pro with a vcore of 3.25. I am running all the fans of the MB which is an asus p5w-dh (I know a bit old but hey). Speedfan reports fans running at 500 rpm . should'nt they be dooing about 700 ????

anyway a photo. I still need a little work on the cabble managment but run out of cable ties:(


Sorry about big pic . How can i make it less picsels in vista, as photobucket seems to default to the uploaded filesize now:confused:

Thats better ;)
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Those TJ07 looks amazing :eek:

Nice cases there m8.

I know i haven't posted here for a while cos i've been busy lately :D.

Anyway, here's a teaser of mine and will do the rest tomorrow night hopefully ;)

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