Show the lads your Silverstone cases

Looking very nice lads - if only the FT01B-W had fittings for a 120.2 radiator, I'd be in there like swimwear! :)
Is that HTPC? Looks really nice :)

Yeh, it is. A huge one though, it's practically an ATX led on it's side.. but I wanted one for the look.

Yeh, it does look nice. I've always prefered SilverStones over Lian Li's (I used to have a LiLi PC-7.. but I wanted a change)
Cool systems above :) Mine (a Silverstone FT01B-W case) doesn't light up as much as Willy's but here's a few pics. System arrived last week (pre built).




That Silverstone LC17-B is a bit gorgeous isn't it? (drool)
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Serious system there rancid-a. Looking good :)

Keep the pics coming guys :p

Love these ones, TJ07 Murderbox :eek:

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