Show Us Your Best Gaming Moment & Win Big!

My Best Time Gaming Ever!
I think it was a good moment as me an server admin had the idea to come up with a Collesum on rust, and as you see it worked very well, It was funny and tricky in the area, both playing and building it! It was a never been done idea in my eyes, and It was a great expeience, sadly the server no longer exists, and I struggle with my old hardware playing new games, and thus would love to have some near gear if you pick me as a winner, I'd be Eternally greatful

I reccomend playing Rust!
It ran really well on MY AMD FX-8350 and GTX 960

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All these new people joining.....
I'm pretty sure that is part of the reason for the competition. To get new people to the forum and to promote the brands in the giveaway. Can't blame people (me included) for wanting the chance to win some cool stuff. And possibly make a few more o line friends by seeing the games they are good at...
I'm pretty sure that is part of the reason for the competition. To get new people to the forum and to promote the brands in the giveaway. Can't blame people (me included) for wanting the chance to win some cool stuff. And possibly make a few more o line friends by seeing the games they are good at...

Same here, and totally agree
I'm pretty sure that is part of the reason for the competition. To get new people to the forum and to promote the brands in the giveaway. Can't blame people (me included) for wanting the chance to win some cool stuff. And possibly make a few more o line friends by seeing the games they are good at...

Absolutely, people like yourself have stayed. I expect there to be a lot of one hit wonders. I should have worded it better.
Ooh shinies! Thanks for giving us all a shot at this.

Soooo many memories, but ones that often come back are from when I played Warcraft. I'd originally got into a guild almost ten years ago. Still in contact with several of them after all these years via steam/discord & mobile :D

Joined a different guild at one point & it was when archaeology got added & guildies were confused how to do it. I'd worked it out, but hard to explain. A guildie recommended how to record clips, so I did & showed them how to do archaeology. After that, I recorded the odd clip or ten for giggles & actually enjoyed editing too.

Some time later, guild leader asked if I could put guilds name in them, so was happy to do so & perfect timing, was just doing a clip to post at that time.
After posted the clip, guild leader saw it & /w me a youtube channel & password. Turns out they were impressed & wanted me to use the channel to post anything I wanted to get them advertised :D *blush*

Some of them still play, but even though I moved on, made plenty of cronies in the game & some of us still play one thing or another :D

EDIT: Oops, had embedding blocked. Fixed it ;)
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damn, my finest moment was completing bubble bobble on one life on my C64 30 years ago for the first time after months of trying, every cave door hit!

they didn;t have videos back then :(
Me and my friend playing The Division Beta. Who doesn't love going rogue in the Dark Zone... didn't pick up my friends mic... I'm not talking to myself I swear :p

Lay in wait, patiently ambush and come out the victor whilst out numbered. Pure shock and oar. :D

Then take the spoils...

Do have a ragnaros 1% wipe with The Fuzz on YouTube that would have been a server first. (We ended up getting server first luckily) but it's not my video.

Currently in the market for a Ryzen and waiting for some RX Vega news. Winning this would mean stretching myself to a Ti if vega is poor!
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I apologise in advance for recording this on a potato, I'll soon be upgrading once Ryzen 3 is out. This is me playing a rhythm beat game called Osu!, and what makes this recording so special is that this is one of my most favourite maps in the game and that it took me over 300 attempts to try and achieve a full combo on one run, so overall god knows how many times I've played this map.
I was able to keep a 100% accuracy until the end where I panicked and clicked some circles too early, even so I'm quite satisfied with the result I got.
EDIT: can someone change my name to, Pot of Beans, please.
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