*** Show us your bikes! ***

Sorry about my earlier post, looks like I have a browser issue.

This link seems to be working:


The ZR-7 is great fun to ride, I'm going to try going out in it today or tomorrow :D after I finish this university assessment.

Full tax and MoT, 33k miles, great condition throughout. Comes with screen, top box and heated grips and the power delivery is good for someone who is hopping on a big bike for the first time after doing direct access :)
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Nice one! Enjoy it, but watch out as the back end will step out a lot easier on this than on smaller bikes. Especially this time of year
Hey Guys,

Just realised that although I bought the bike in June (I think) that I hadn't put a picture up!

Feeling as bad as I do, here's one taken at Cadwell earlier this year :) She didn't do too bad for what my dad lovingly referred to as a barge!

I dunno, gaskets are one of those things that I'd always replace regardless of age. Realistically though you'd probably be fine not replacing them.
Are they all pretty similar or bike specific? I'll have to phone the yamaha dealer tomorrow and see if they have any in stock.

Just checked, closest yamaha dealer is 30 miles away.
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