*** Show us your bikes! ***

I'm now officially own a bike, sorting tax out now then I'm off out! :) I'll get some better pics when it's in a more photogenic place :)

As a new rider I'm not sure if you guys are taking the **** or trying to give me advice? haha :p

I was a bit unsure on how to properly chain it up as the chain is too big to go through anything on the frame, I've been looking at one of those anti-pinch pins which should do the job:)
Chain it to something rather than just using the chain as a very expensive disc lock or else 2 guys will just chuck it in a van.

I think that's what everyone is trying to point out.
Fair enough, cheers, irritatingly there's nothing to chain it to on my street, all the street furniture like light poles are away from the kerb against the property boundaries, if I parked it on the pavement I'd probably get a ticket.

I may not be living here for much longer though and secure parking is on the list for sure.
Just getting it off the street will be a massive help, if it's out of sight it won't tempting theives who are just passing by looking for bikes.

And as you're in London I'd want to be getting it off the street ASAP...
Yeah, looks like you have an Almax there- great chains but you may as well just use a disclock if you're not locking to anything. My KTM 990SMT had an Almax, alarm and two disc locks, but was nicked as mentioned above- they just picked it up and dumped it in a van :( Difficult as the area only has one bike space with a rail.

Also controversial I know, but I wouldn't bother with the steering lock. Thieves will break it in 5 secs and it'll damage your frame.

Consider the 2.5m Almax and a topbox, that's how I cart mine around. And two disclocks, and two trackers. And a cover, as already said if they can't see it they probably won't bother with it. I've had three bikes nicked now in London, so I'm not taking chances any more.
Yeah, I've already got a cover, my boss did mention that I may be able to keep it in the secure car park under our office in The City, he keeps his bike there too and just needs to grease the palms of the security guys on the front desk. I'm considering that.
Oh dude, do it. I dream of secure parking and not having to go through the 15 minute rigamarole of attaching all the security. Assuming I can even find a space with something to chain it to :(

And meanwhile our Mayor goes on about bike manufacturers being at fault for not providing enough security. So why do only 1 in 4 bike bays have a rail? </Rant>
Having seen how easy it is to break the lock on handlebars manufactures really need to come up with a better solution. I know you could just lift up the wheel and put it on a bogie but it’d be a deterrent for many if you couldn’t simply pull on the bars to snap the lock.
******** needs his fingers cutting off... I have my Varadaro padlocked & chain to a 3/4inch U bolt sticking out of the brickwork at the side of my house, with a cover over it.. Im going to come home one night and the house will be gone and its got a PIR 1000W light above it, bloody thing makes me jumps sometimes when it comes on and I know its there :)
Hi all, not been on in a while... but I have found time to purchase my new toy :)

Now i have to wait a few months to ride it :(


Can't wait. :)
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