Strange you should say that about the Duke and V-Twins feeling "top heavy" and thus affecting the handling, kidloco. The Mille is renowned for feeling a little "top heavy" but by god, it's the best handling thing I've ever planted my backside on. I can only think of two occasions when I've managed to get it really out of shape, once on the track at Knockhill on my 2nd ever lap which was purely down to being too cocky for a track virgin and once on the road about 3 years ago whilst being tailed by a mate on a Blade RR3 which again, was down to my own silliness at the time.
Rest of the time it's been rock solid. I've had goes on a few much more modern and recent bikes which allege to be hugely better in the handling stakes than a 10 year old bike like mine and was left unimpressed. So yeah - good idea to stick with what you know, your benchmark for handling sounds like the R1, mine is the RSV. And yeah, twins are an aquired taste as I've said tons of times before. You either fall in love from the word "Go" or not. 99.9% of folk who get a twin for the first time and initially tell people "Hmmm, I kinda like it but I'm not sure, will need to get used to it" end up selling very soon because they never get used to the way they ride compared to an inline 4. I was 5 mins in the saddle when I bought mine and had already made my mind up that twins were for me forever!!.
Anyway, enjoy the R1, looks like a keeper. Curious, did you trade in the Duke for it or sell it privately then buy the Yam?.
I'm still undecided as to whether to sell up this summer. New baby arrived 2 weeks ago, I'm cycling more and more now in my spare time, both mountain bike and road and the Mille gets fired up and taken for a spin maybe two or three times in a 3 month period. Hardly worth it. But I know for a fact that if I
do sell, I'll miss it like hell.